You know when there’s a new season for Call of Duty around the corner, a new battle pass is right behind. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 & Warzone Season 2 is on it’s way, and today we got a look at the cool battle pass content that will be in it. BlackCell also has some incredible exclusives, so check those out as well. All the details are below from the Call of Duty Blog.
Prepare for the hunt with awesome new content arriving in Season 02. Unlock 100+ rewards in the premium Battle Pass, get even more with new assassin-themed BlackCell variants, and gear up with new Store Bundles like The Terminator, an LA Fire Relief Bundle with 100% of Activision’s proceeds being donated toward fire relief efforts in Los Angeles, and more.
Eliminate Your Mark with the Season 02 Battle Pass!
The Luttazzi crime family won’t go down easily. They’ve broadcasted a bounty against the entire Rogue Team as payback for their actions in the previous season. Whether hunting or hunted, Operators will need the best gear they can get their hands on for the impending clash. Get equipped with the latest BlackCell, Battle Pass, and Store content arriving in Season 02 of Call of Duty®: Black Ops 6 and Call of Duty: Warzone™, launching January 28.
The Season 02 premium Battle Pass introduces 100+ rewards including new free base weapons plus new Operator Skins, Weapon Blueprints, Calling Cards, Finishing Moves, and more.
Access and earn free rewards including new cosmetic content and base weapons or purchase the premium Battle Pass and earn up to 1,100 COD Points as you progress through the Battle Pass Pages. For the optimal seasonal experience, purchase BlackCell, including assassin-themed Operator Skins, Weapon Blueprints, COD Points, and other rewards.
BlackCell Season 02: Vortex Operator (Crimson One)
BlackCell Instant Rewards Page, HVT
When there’s a bounty to collect, Vortex is the first in line to collect. The master techno assassin deploys as the lead of the Season 02 BlackCell content, emitting black and red vapors off his outfit and the dual swords at his back. Vortex heads up an excellent BlackCell offering, including Operator Skins and Weapon Blueprints that bring the heat with hot vapors streaming off their sleek designs.
Additional BlackCell Instant Rewards Content
Get the ultimate Battle Pass experience by purchasing BlackCell, offering complete access to unlock all the rewards available in the Season 02 Battle Pass. A purchase grants immediate access to the BlackCell Instant Rewards page, giving the following items:
- 20 Battle Pass Tier Skips
- 1,100 COD Points
- The “Boneshard” Mastercraft Weapon Blueprint for the Jackal PDW Submachine Gun with Dread Shadow Tracers, Crimson Darkness Death FX, and a unique weapon inspect animation.
- The “Blacksmoke” AMR Mod 4 Sniper Rifle Weapon Blueprint.
- The “Hound’s Tooth” Finishing Move with Void Howler Companion.
- The “BlackCell” Clan Tag (showcased in Lobbies and Winner’s Circles).
- The “Vortex” New Operator.
BlackCell owners can additionally unlock page after page of additional earnable rewards throughout the Season 02 Battle Pass, including:
- Up to Seven BlackCell-exclusive Operator Skins for: Nocturne (two Skins), Rossi, Marshall, Grey, Stone, and Toro.
- Up to Six BlackCell-exclusive Weapon Blueprints for the AK-74 (Assault Rifle), DM-10 (Marksman Rifle), Feng 82 (New LMG), Cypher 091 (New Assault Rifle), ASG-89 (Shotgun), and PPSh-41 (New SMG).
- Over 130 item rewards (Battle Pass and BlackCell related) for players who fully complete the Season 02 BlackCell Battle Pass.
Players who upgrade to BlackCell after purchasing the premium Battle Pass will also receive 1,100 COD Points back.
BlackCell Loyalty Bonus: Players who purchased Season 01 BlackCell and subsequently purchase Season 02 BlackCell will activate a permanent 10% Player and Weapon XP bonus in Black Ops 6 (up to a 50% bonus for purchasing BlackCell in every Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 season!).
Purchase the Battle Pass: Instantly Unlock Nocturne Operator
Players who purchase the premium Season 02 Battle Pass or BlackCell will immediately unlock the Battle Pass Instant Rewards Page with the following items:
- The new Nocturne Operator (also known as “Nocturne”), along with the “Nocturne BlackCell” Operator Skin for BlackCell owners.
- 10% Battle Pass XP Boost.
- The “Skill Issue” Emote.
- The “Profit Sharing” GobbleGum (x2).
- The “Shared Fate” Legendary Weapon Blueprint for the XM4 Assault Rifle.
- The “Scarred” Legendary Weapon Sticker.
Nocturne (Crimson One)
Battle Pass Instant Reward Page, HVT
Nocturne joins in on the hunt for Rogue Black Ops, aiming to collect the huge payout offered by the Luttazzis. Little is known of Nocturne’s shadowy past, but rumors run deep among Avalon’s criminal elite. Some believe his high-level special forces skillset reveals military training, while others claim he is the last remaining descendant of an ancient clan of assassins. No bounty passes through the city without his knowledge, and no quarry escapes once he’s accepted a contract.
Additional Battle Pass Operator Skins
Progress through the Battle Pass to unlock content across the various pages, including a variety of Operator Skins, many paired with animated BlackCell variants emitting currents of searing power.
Rossi: “Gunsmoke” Skins
Operator Skins, Premium Battle Pass and BlackCell, HVT, Page 2
Rossi arrives straight from battle, dirt-smeared and in military fatigues, wearing a black mask and body armor over a sleeveless shirt. The alternate BlackCell Skin favors a more menacing look, featuring a spiked pauldron, black hood and gilded mask, and armaments stored throughout.
Marshall: “Kingmaker” Skins
Operator Skins, Premium Battle Pass and BlackCell, HVT, Page 4
On the run, Marshall dons a large hood and tactical gear designed to prosper in all environments with survival gear to keep him going until the time to strike draws near. The BlackCell variant adds bone-spiked armor and a demonic grimace, fangs curved out under a pair of glowing eyes.
Bayan: “Wrap” Skin
Operator Skin, Premium Battle Pass, Page 6
Bayan covers up in an all-white wrap with a hood and mask, a range of armaments strapped across his torso, gloves and knee pads protecting him when scrambling over rough terrain toward his next target.
Grey: “Toxigenic” Skins
Operator Skins, Premium Battle Pass and BlackCell, HVT, Page 7
Grey prepares for inhospitable environments with a gas mask, a stack of tactical grenades, body armor, and fatigues. She swaps the fatigues for a black robe in the BlackCell variant along with a full-face mask and pauldrons lined with molten cracks and seams.
Stone: “Shadow Work” Skins
Operator Skins, Premium Battle Pass and BlackCell, HVT, Page 9
Opting for total concealment, Stone covers every identifiable part of his body in tactical gear. Two throwing knives and a throwing star sit ready at his side, a counterpoint to the line of spikes on his shoulder. The BlackCell variant streams powerful red and black currents over metal adornments, paired with night vision goggles for tracking targets in the dark.
Caine: “Boltcutter” Skin
Operator Skin, Premium Battle Pass, Page 10
With wire cutters at the ready, Caine won’t let barriers impede his progress. A purple head band and arm wraps add a stylish flair to the sleek warrior outfit, designed for optimal mobility in heated combat.
Toro: “Flow State” Skins
Operator Skins, Premium Battle Pass and BlackCell, HVT, Page 12
Zipped up in a white tracksuit, Toro unnerves his targets with an obscured silver face mask, twisting lines presenting an eerie front with nothing to grasp onto. The BlackCell variant removes the mask and swaps the white suit for bleeding-edge black tactical armor.
Westpoint: “Bog Banshee” Skin
Operator Skin, Premium Battle Pass, Page 13
With a ghillie suit on to keep hidden in the brush, Westpoint stalks her targets until the last moment, screaming like a banshee as she goes for the kill.
Weaver: “Guerilla” Skin
Operator Skin, Premium Battle Pass, Page 14
A bandage over his eye and wearing blood-smeared clothing, Weaver’s seen better days. Still, he hasn’t lost a bit of grit and remains ready to jump back into the onslaught at a moment’s notice.
Season 02: Battle Pass Base Weapons
Unlock three new Base Weapons in the Season 02 Battle Pass. As always, all players can unlock these weapons for free by progressing through their listed Battle Pass Pages.
Feng 82 Light Machine Gun
Battle Pass, HVT, Page 3
Levels: 48
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods
Customize Options: Skins, Reticle Unlocks (MP, ZM, WZ), Accessories (1), Decals (1), Stickers (3).
Military Camos: 27 (MP, ZM, WZ)
Special Camos: 6 (MP, ZM, WZ)
Mastery Camos: 12 (MP, ZM, WZ)
Full-auto light machine gun. Very slow rate of fire with great damage and handling.
The Feng 82 outputs high damage with smooth handling for optimal frontline operations. Its slower rate of fire provides steadier control through sustained combat, featuring a three-to-four shot elimination out to 50 meters. For Operators seeking the heavyweight firepower of an LMG without the extensive downtime often associated with the class, this is your go-to weapon.
PPSh-41 Submachine Gun
Battle Pass, HVT, Page 6
Levels: 35
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods
Customize Options: Skins, Reticle Unlocks (MP, ZM, WZ), Accessories (1), Decals (1), Stickers (3).
Military Camos: 27 (MP, ZM, WZ)
Special Camos: 6 (MP, ZM, WZ)
Mastery Camos: 12 (MP, ZM, WZ)
Full-auto submachine gun. Fast fire rate with impressive damage and high recoil. Moderate handling.
The fan-favorite World War II era SMG returns to the franchise in Season 02. The PPSh-41 features a high rate of fire that knocks enemies off target and downs them fast at close range. Whether shooting down the sights or off the hip, it chews through ammo fast, so consider equipping Loadout items like the Extended Mag, Assault Pack Field Upgrade, or Scavenger Perk to stay in the fight over the long run.
Cypher 091 Assault Rifle
Battle Pass, HVT, Page 8
Levels: 42
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: Optic, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods
Customize Options: Skins, Reticle Unlocks (MP, ZM, WZ), Accessories (1), Decals (1), Stickers (3).
Military Camos: 27 (MP, ZM, WZ)
Special Camos: 6 (MP, ZM, WZ)
Mastery Camos: 12 (MP, ZM, WZ)
Full-auto assault rifle. Slower rate of fire balanced by great handling and excellent mobility.
The Cypher 091 offers a versatile and reliable Assault Rifle option outputting steady fire with excellent handling and mobility. Its clear front-mounted iron sight keeps targets in view even without an Optic and its fast reload speed gets you back to dishing out damage in the blink of an eye.
New Crossbow Weapon Attachment
Add a sharp-looking underbarrel Crossbow with a new underbarrel weapon attachment arriving in the Season 02 Battle Pass.
Crossbow Attachment (Launch)
Premium Battle Pass, Page 7
(Above) “Shared Fate” XM4 Assault Rifle, Instant Reward
“Violet Engraving” Swat 5.56 Marksman Rifle, Page 1
“Scratch One” Saug Submachine Gun, Page 2
“Brainplow” SVD Sniper Rifle, Page 4
(Above) “Sunburst” GS45 Pistol, Page 4
“Silverbite” Krig C Assault Rifle, Page 5
“Truce” Knife Melee, Page 6
“Route” XMG Light Machine Gun, Page 7
(Above) “Thronebuster” 9mm PM Pistol, Page 8
“Dethroned” AMR Mod 4 Sniper Rifle, Page 8
“Shadowed” Tanto .22 Submachine Gun, Page 9
“Kill Bit” Power Drill Melee, Page 9
(Above) “Furystorm” Maelstrom Shotgun, Page 11
“Quick Mercy” Stryder .22 Pistol, Page 12 (not shown)
“Broad Hammer” Goblin Mk 2 Assault Rifle, Page 12
“Mire” PP-919 Submachine Gun, Page 13
“Iron Fist” PU-21 Light Machine Gun, Page 14
Next, let’s look at the HVT Weapon Blueprints featuring sleek and searing BlackCell variants. Note that all BlackCell variants are animated, with some featuring Dread Shadow Tracers and Crimson Darkness Death FX.
“Blacksmoke” AMR Mod 4 Sniper Rifle, BlackCell Instant Reward.
“Vitriol” and “Vitriol BlackCell” AK-74 Assault Rifle, HVT, Page 1.
“Chromewing” and “Chromewing BlackCell” DM-10 Marksman Rifle, HVT, Page 5.
“Tourniquet” (with White Tracers) and “Death Chamber BlackCell” (with Dread Shadow Tracers) Feng 81 Light Machine Gun, HVT, Page 10.
“Death Blow” and “Death Blow BlackCell” Cypher 091 Assault Rifle, HVT, Page 11.
“Pythosnicus” (Mastercraft, with Gold Tracers and Severance Death FX), and “Pythonicus BlackCell” (Mastercraft, Dread Shadow Tracers, and Crimson Darkness Death FX) ASG-89 Shotgun, HVT, Page 13.
“Gloomnaught” (Reactive with Green Tracers and Severance Death FX) and “Gloomnaught BlackCell” (Reactive with Dread Shadow Tracers and Dread Shadow Death FX) PPSh-41 Submachine Gun, HVT, Page 14.
New Equipment Skin and Optic Attachments
Get a new Equipment Skin for the Sticky Grenade plus three unique Optic Reticles:
A selection of Spray patterns available across the Battle Pass.“Improvised” Sticky Grenade Skin (Lethal), Page 2
“Dead Center” Reticle (Optic Attachment), Page 3
“Crossbow” (Underbarrel Attachment), Page 7
“Light Touch” Reticle (Optic Attachment), Page 8
“Flight” Reticle (Optic Attachment), Page 14
New Emotes, Finishing Moves, and Sprays
Earn a new selection of Emotes, Finishing Moves, and Sprays, equippable in the “Customize” Menu of the Barracks. Showcase these rewards during matches or (with Emotes) during the Winners’ Circle.
“Hound’s Tooth” Finishing Move (with Void Howler Companion), BC IR
“Swift Moves” Finishing Move, Page 1
“360” Finishing Move, Page 5
“Rocket Powered” Finishing Move, Page 10
“Blade Bonanza” Finishing Move, Completion Page
“Skill Issue” Emote, Battle Pass Instant Reward
“Relax!” Emote, Page 3
“Dance Team” Emote, Page 9
“Know the Time?” Emote, Page 14
“Amputator” Spray, Page 2
“Windblown Blossom” Spray, Page 3
“Stricken” Spray, Page 5
“Pierced” Spray, Page 6
“Gas Man” Spray, Page 8
“Death Blade” Spray, Page 9
“Twisted” Spray, Page 12
Additional Battle Pass Content
The Season 02 Premium Battle Pass offers a wide variety of content, including items from the following categories:
- COD Points
- Weapon Charms
- Weapon Large Decals
- Weapon Stickers
- GobbleGums (13 total, various rarities and powers)
- Finishing Moves
- Emblems (some animated)
- Calling Cards (some animated)
- Loading Screens
- Clan Tag (BlackCell only)
- Consumable 2XP & 2WXP Tokens
Battle Pass Completion Page: Rewards
Complete every Battle Pass Page to access the final Completion Page stacked with awesome content including the following:
- 200 COD Points
- “Time Out” Ultra GobbleGum
- “Death Glow” Animated Emblem
- “Skulking” Animated Calling Card
- “Blade Bonanza” Finishing Move
- “Obsidian” Ultra Skin with the “Maul” BlackCell variant awarded to BlackCell Owners
Nocturne: “Obsidian” and “Maul” Skins
Operator Skins, Premium Battle Pass and BlackCell, Completion Page
Move through the shadows and strike. In the Battle Pass “Maul” Operator Skin, Nocturne’s eyes shine out through a dark hood and face mask over a tactical vest and uniform ideal for stealth assassinations, a lengthy sword at his back. In the BlackCell “Maul” Skin variant, nocturne equips heavier armor, animated flames rising from the cuirass and pauldrons.
Store Highlights: New Reactive and Mastercraft Blueprints
Tracer Pack: The Terminator
Sent by the supercomputer Skynet to crush the human population’s chance at survival, The Terminator stands ready to annihilate anyone in its way in the “Tracer Pack: The Terminator Ultra Skin” Operator Bundle. The Bundle includes a new Operator featuring two Ultra Skins: the humanlike “T-800” and the cyborg “Endo Titanium Core.”
To get the job done, the cyborg comes packing with four Red Tracer-equipped Weapon Blueprints based on classic armaments from the 1984 film in addition to the “T-800 Style” Finishing Move, “Tracking… Tracking…” Emote, “What Pain?” Emblem, and “Lookin’ Fly” Calling Card.
Tracer Pack: LA Fire Relief Ultra Skin
One hundred percent of Activision’s proceeds for this Bundle will be donated to relief efforts related to the Los Angeles wildfires. Sport some epic cosmetic content while helping those in need.
Entrance your enemies with the “Plasmic” Ultra Skin, deploying with the “Null” AK-74 Assault Rifle and “Void” SWAT 5.56 Marksman Rifle Blueprints featuring Trippy Tracers and Whirlpool Death FX. Keep them mesmerized with the “Spiral” Charm, “Leaking” Emblem, “Cross Section” Weapon Sticker, and “Layers” Spray.
Tracer Pack: Death Mosh Mastercraft Ultra Skin
Drop the deadliest riff of them all with the guitar-shaped “Shred” Mastercraft for the new Feng 82 LMG alongside the “Menace” Goblin Mk2 Assault Rifle, both Blueprints featuring Mosh Pit Tracers and Pyrotechnics Death FX. Command the stage and the match with the animated “Calamity” Ultra Skin, flames engulfing its horned head over a suit of black metal armor.
Add a hellraising twist to your Zombies matches with the “Hell Chord” Ray Gun Skin and keep the party going with the Animated “In the Pit” Calling Card, “Instrumental” Finishing Move, “Hellriff” Loading Screen, “Hell Riffer” Spray, and a Legendary “Modified Chaos” GobbleGum.
Tracer Pack: Radiant Blight Mastercraft Ultra Skin
Merge good and evil with the half angel, half devil animated “Paradox” Ultra Operator Skin for Sev, the blight spreading and receding over her body and the single, angelic wing at her back. Call doom upon the enemy with the “Eternal Strife” Mastercraft Reactive Weapon Blueprint for the GPR 91 Assault Rifle, the “Violation” ASG-89 Shotgun, and the “Desecration” Saug SMG Blueprints, all three featuring Duality Tracers and Holy Annihilation Death FX.
Plus, feel the power of light and dark with the “Hellwielder” Spray, “Pour One Out” Emote, “Angelic Demon” Large Decal, “Devilishly Cute” Charm, “Hell’s Wings” Sticker, and a 1 Hour Double XP Token.
Tracer Pack: Strange Abyss Mastercraft Reactive
Drag them to their watery end with the “Reef Hunter” Mastercraft and Reactive Weapon Blueprint for the new PPSh-41 SMG and the “Dreadfin” AS VAL Assault Rifle, both enhanced with Dark Waters Tracers and Venom Explosion Death FX. Wield them as the infamous creature from the boggy depths with the Legendary “Saltwater” Operator Skin for Toro.
Ambush enemies with the “Skewered” Finishing Move and terrify the locals with alien cosmetic content including the “Hatchling” Charm, “Invasion Force” Animated Calling Card, “Space Rider” Animated Emblem, and “Take a Look” Spray.
Tracer Pack: Satin Smoke Reactive
Strut your stuff with the “Humble Brag” Reactive Weapon Blueprint for the new TR2 Marksman Rifle, paired with the “Ripple” AS VAL Assault Rifle Blueprint, each with Satin Tracers. Deploy with the fatal “Smoking Gun” Operator Skin for Bailey and add some flair to your weapons with the “Fatale View” Gun Screen.
Further your femme fatale style with the “Try Me” Loading Screen, “Neutralized” Spray, “Lethal Shade” Sticker, and “Fatale” Calling Card.
Tracer Pack: Falconer Ultra Skin Mastercraft Reactive
Tear up your enemies with the cel-shaded “Falconer” Ultra Skin for Caine. Do some blade work with the “Razorbreak” Mastercraft Reactive Melee Blueprint for the Cleaver and swoop in the for the win using the “Hawkwing” Krig C Assault Rifle and “Carrion” PP-19 SMG Blueprints, all three including the Cel Shaded Death FX with the two ranged weapons also featuring Birdcall Tracers.
Command the skies with the “Get Winged” Companion Finishing Move featuring a falcon attack from Caine’s animal friend, “Let’s Move” Animated Calling Card, “Pull the Pin” Reticle, “Boxed Lunch” Charm, “Bird Call” Animated Emblem, and “Falcon Master” Loading Screen.
Tracer Pack: Year of the Snake Ultra Skin
Hiss and strike with this Bundle celebrating the Year of the Snake, including the “Vibrant Serpent” Ultra Skin for Adler along with three Weapon Blueprints featuring Year of the Snake Tracers and Death FX: the “Venomer” XM4 Assault Rifle, “Coiled Strike” “AMR Mod 4 Sniper Rifle, and “Firecracker” 9mm PM Pistol.
Ring in the new year with the “Lunar Snake” Animated Calling Card, “Year of the Snake” Emblem, “Lunar New Year: Snake” Charm, and a unique Finishing Move.
Tracer Pack: Killer Content Mastercraft
Give your followers the content they crave with this killer Bundle featuring three Weapon Blueprints including the animated Mastercraft “Stream Team” Assault Rifle for the new Cypher 091 plus two Legendary Blueprints: the “Like” LR 7.62 Sniper Rifle and the “Subscribe” Tsarkov 7.62 Marksman Rifle, all three Blueprints featuring Influenced Tracers and VTuber Death FX.
Plus, keep them entertained and in your sights with the “UWU” Reticle, “Hi Chat!” Loading Screen, “Smash That Like!” Emblem, and “Streaming Soon” Calling Card.
And More on the Way!
Black Ops 6 is available now, and there’s never been a better time to experience the spy action thriller Campaign, the in-depth tactical chaos of best-in-class Multiplayer, and soak in the gory glory of an incredible round-based Zombies experience! Click here to Purchase Black Ops 6.
Stay tuned to GamingTrend for more Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Warzone news and info!
David Burdette is a gamer/writer/content creator from TN and Lead Editor for Gaming Trend. He loves Playstation, Star Wars, Marvel, and many other fandoms. He also plays way too much Call Of Duty. You can chat with him on Twitter @SplitEnd89.

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