Filipino developer Ranida Games has just announced that its Kickstarter for the upcoming fighting game Bayani is available to back today until December 30, with a funding goal of $20,000 CAD (around $15,000 USD). If funded, the game will be released as an Early Access title on Steam during Q1 of 2019, and will feature 8 different playable characters based on famous Filipino figures.
BAYANI is a fast-paced, 1-on-1, indie fighting game made by an all Filipino development team and it draws heavily from the Philippines’ rich and colorful history, culture, and mythology. The game features a combination of 2D fighting gameplay and full 3D graphics that modern fighting game players will be familiar with.
BAYANI [3 syll. ba-ya-ni] is the Filipino term for Hero–someone who is admired for their outstanding qualities, valor, and noble qualities. It is also related to the Filipino word, Bayanihan, which is the Filipino spirit for camaraderie and community spirit. The title Bayani is given to notable individuals who have impacted the history of the country in a meaningful way.
During the game’s initial launch, BAYANI will have 8 playable characters that are all inspired by real-life historical figures that have had significant impact in the country’s history. More characters can be added at a later date via updates and DLCs.
While the game has many different tiers to back, you can get a copy of the PC version for around $15 USD, or around $10 USD with the early tier. While we’ve seen Filipino representation in fighting games with Josie Rizal in Tekken and Talim from SoulCalibur, it’s going to be a pretty fun time duking it out with heroes inspired by Filipino history. Check out the trailer above, and stay tuned for more news here on Gaming Trend.