
Battleborn trailer runs down the starting line-up for open beta

A new trailer released by Gearbox today details the roster of Battleborn, ahead of open beta starting tomorrow. After a comical opening from clone soldier Oscar Mike, resident AI psychopath ISIC goes over the main gameplay modes and each of the factions in Battleborn.

Open beta for Battleborn starts tomorrow on PlayStation 4, while PC and Xbox One owners will have to wait until April 13. No purchase is necessary to play in the open beta, and it will include both story missions, which you can solo or co-op, and multiplayer modes.

We had a chance to check out Battleborn at preview event recently, and came away thoroughly impressed. You can also check out our interview with Battleborn’s art director Scott Kester, where we go into detail on the unique look and style.

If you’d like to check out some gameplay before you jump in, check out one of our gameplay videos below.

For more on all things Battleborn, keep it here at Gaming Trend.

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I'm a Texas native and graduate of Texas Tech University, freelancing in the gaming journalism industry. I love games, live music, Texas BBQ and sports. Favorite games are The Witcher 2, anything from Bioware, the Kingdom Hearts series and Dota 2.

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