Stonemaier games just announced their latest game, Apiary, from debut designer Connie Vogelmann and illustrated by Kwanchai Moriya. Apiary will be 1-5 players and will launch on the Stonemaier website on 4 October 2023. Check out the press release from the publisher below.
designed by Connie Vogelmann
illustrated by Kwanchai MoriyaIn a far-distant future, humans no longer inhabit Earth. The cause of their disappearance (or perhaps their demise) is unknown, but their absence left a void ready to be filled by another sentient species. Over the span of untold generations, one species of the humble honeybee evolved to fill that void. They grew in size and intelligence to become a highly advanced society.
In Apiary (1-5 players, 60-90 minutes), each player controls an asymmetric pairing of a hive mat and a faction tile. Your faction starts the game with a few resources and worker bees (4-sided miniatures). A worker-placement, hivebuilding challenge awaits you: explore planets, gather resources, develop technologies, and create carvings to demonstrate your faction’s strengths (measured in victory points) over one year’s Flow. However, the Dearth quickly approaches, and your workers can only take a few actions before they must hibernate!
- Schedule: The Stonemaier webstore product launch is on October 4, followed by shipping throughout October. Production is complete, and freight shipments are on their way to fulfillment centers in the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia. The worldwide retail release will follow in late November.
- Details and Photos: Learn more about Apiary–including the rulebook, design diaries, and photos–on our website.
- Charity: For every launch notification request we receive via this signup form, Stonemaier Games will donate $1 to Pollinator.org, the Center for Native Pollinator Conservation, or Heifer International (honeybee gift).
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