
Another day, another Humble Bundle

If anybody was ever crazy enough to chart out the things I post about on Gaming Trend, they’d notice that I like to make posts about great deals in gaming.  Well, that trend would not be stopping here, as I just found out about the latest Humble Bundle that features at least two pretty great THQ games.

I’ve only played two of the games in this bundle (I’m counting all three Company of Heroes games as one) but I’d definitely recommend them. First is Company of Heroes. The whole series is pretty good, offering blisteringly fun real time tactics battles that look and sound awesome. You’ll be hard pressed to have a more rewarding time than dropping an artillery barrage on a machine gun that has your squad pinned down. It’s made by Relic Entertainment, who have been one of my favorite game developers ever since I played Homeworld. If you’ve never tried CoH, you’re missing a pretty decent game that still looks really good.

Metro 2033 is another game that holds up graphically. I’ll spare you my rants about amazing Metro 2033 is, but I’ll definitely say that if you like games that provide deep, interesting worlds that feel right, you’ll want to join Artyom in the tunnels under Moscow.

I haven’t played the other games in the Bundle, but from what I’ve heard they’re not bad games by any stretch, and you can’t beat the price.

A cynic might deride this as an attempt the fiscally troubled THQ to worm their way into the black by selling off some of their older games–I saw one games journalist I follow on Twitter call it the “Humble Bailout Bundle.” Or they might notice that Darksiders just had a sequel released, and that both Metro and CoH are due for sequels in the near future, so it’s possible that THQ is just trying to drum up interest in more expensive games. That might be true, but these are some legitimately awesome games at a legitimately awesome price, so stop complaining and go buy it!


Addie grew up near Detroit. After studying Cell Biology at the University of Michigan and spending a year looking into microscopes, Addie decided to volunteer--playing video games. hobbies run from gaming to music (voice, bass, guitar) to rugby. Addie is a strong supporter of indie and low-cost gaming, an area she thinks is underserved by the media.

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