Based on the popular manga series in Japan, One Piece: Romance Dawn takes players on a seafaring journey with traditional JRPG tropes including an active turn based battle system, character customization and leveling, animated cutscenes, and what looks to be an utterly wacko narrative.
”ONE PIECE is a brand that has gained a strong foothold not only in Japan but globally as well with over 345 million volumes of the manga series sold worldwide,” said Chris Gilbert, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing for NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. “We are proud to bring this widely acclaimed anime and manga series to life in a thrilling RPG experience that promises to be a fun-filled adventure staying faithful to Eiichiro Oda’s popular masterpiece.”
Once Piece: Romance Dawn is available now in both digital and physical format on the 3DS for $39.99. There’s a Limited Edition version of the game at GameStop that includes a holographic foil package – while supplies last.
Sean started playing video games in infancy. He was not given a choice as much as a directive from his parents to be the best gamer on Earth. Sean was subjected to 10-12 hours of rigorous daily gaming throughout his youth, mastering the most complex video games and dominating online competitions. Sean's symbiotic relationship with video games led to writing about them for various gaming websites, and he is currently involved in sales strategy and analytics at one of the largest video game publishers in the world. Sean's mission is simple: Turn 100% of the human population into gamers, willingly or otherwise.
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