Doctor Who and Torchwood fans that love Captain Jack Harkness will be ecstatic with his continuing adventures with the Torchwood Institute. In Titan Comics’ Torchwood, Captain Jack is back to his old ways of jumping in head first without asking questions. He is a beloved character that makes his crew on the Ice Maiden jump through hoops in order to save himself and the world.
Issue #1 begins with Captain Jack time jumping to get away from trouble, but causing more trouble for his crew and the members of Torchwood. The series follows Captain Jack on his adventures to see if he and Gwen Cooper, the Torchwood acting assistant, can discover what is threatening the world this time, and stop it before it destroys the planet.
This comic brings Captain Jack to life with the usual wit and comedy that this iconic character brings to Doctor Who and Torchwood. In Doctor Who, Captain Jack Harkness pops up from time to time helping out the Doctor and his companions to solve the mysteries of time and space. In Torchwood, he is a crime fighting, immortal time agent who took a job at the Torchwood Institute, helping save the world from aliens, after being stranded.
The artwork was done by Antonio Fuso and Pasquale Qualano, and keeps with the look and feel of the Titan Comics’ Doctor Who series. The Torchwood comics make it easy to love Captain Jack because he has the same wit and comedic lines that are in the shows, and the art work makes Jack seem real because he looks so much like the original actor, John Barrowman. Barrowman wrote this comic series and Torchwood: Exodus Code, with his sister Carole. The comic story keeps with the tradition of the what the creator, Russell T. Davis, wanted for the character and the storyline. While the comic series is new, the story follows the Torchwood: Exodus Code book, the Television show, and the audio series from Big Finish. The comic storyline starts where, Torchwood: Exodus Code, ends.