Thanks to iam8bit, I had the chance to check out the Bomb Rush Cyberfunk vinyl. Titled New Ams Anthem, this album compiles over 30 tracks from the game onto four vinyl records. I greatly enjoyed Bomb Rush Cyberfunk last year, and one of my favorite parts was the soundtrack. The game itself picks a selection of tracks to shuffle through in each area, so it’s interesting to hear the full thing in one go.
But first, let’s talk about the packaging. The album art is very psychedelic, with blue, black, and silver making up the background in a pattern I’m not entirely sure how to describe. Over that is a white crescent, with the logo using the same colors as the background but adding red into the mix for a striking look. As for something you can actually read, the title is in nice white lettering just below the logo.
On the back, we’ve got the logos for Team Reptile and iam8bit along with the track list. There’s some more art here as well, and overall the sleeve looks great. If you didn’t already know better, you might say this is just a very high quality mixtape (mix vinyl?).
As noted above, the music is pressed into four records, each with two sides. There’s about five to six songs on each side, so while you may have to turn over or swap out the record somewhat frequently they’re all great quality. Hearing them all together like this, however, made me realize several songs in the soundtrack just aren’t to my tastes. With the pseudo-radio format in game, there’s always one to jam out to, and I do like at least one song on each side if not more. Of course, that’s not to say any of the songs are bad, except for maybe Hair Dun Nails Dun since it’s so repetitive, I’m just not always in the mood to listen to them.
While other formats do have the advantage of letting you skip around, having to listen to a whole record before getting to what you like does have a certain appeal to it. With some albums, you might see something in the structure that makes you appreciate the thing as a whole. While the way songs are laid out here feels totally random, I do find it impressive just how much variety there is.
Overall, if you’re a fan of the game or just these types of music, this is a great package with a lot of care put into it. The sleeve is gorgeous and shiny, while the records themselves have some nice art on them too. The best of the songs will have anyone with taste rocking out, while the worst are over quickly enough.