We're back with another recap of comics here on GamingTrend.com! This week we have two more first issues from Dark Horse Comics. One comes from the Black Hammer series, the other from Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories! let's jump in and discuss our impressions!

Black Hammer: Spiral City – Issue #1
There are so many superhero comic books out there. So. Many. So how does Spiral City separate itself from the pack? What would happen if your superheroes saved the world from evil, only to be told that THEY were the villains the whole time? Spiral City takes the genre and flips it fully around as every hero we meet has a backstory that makes your heart hurt while also creates an extremely interesting political narrative. Need I say more?
Get a copy at DarkHorse.com: https://www.darkhorse.com/Comics/3013-466/Black-Hammer-Spiral-City-1

Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories – The Bad Batch: Ghost Agents – Issue #1
If you all have been around me as an editor for a while here on GamingTrend, you'll know that I'm a Star Wars fan, a big Star Wars fan. So when Dark Horse allowed us to cover The Bad Batch, I was thrilled... and I wasn't disappointed! This has the trajectory of a Bad Batch episode of the show on Disney+. This story takes place before the events of The Clone Wars episodes including Clone Force 99, so if you're still recovering from the end of the last two seasons, be prepared. If you're a fan of clone troopers or The Bad Batch, you'll definitely want this for your collection!
Get a copy at DarkHorse.com: https://www.darkhorse.com/Comics/3012-759/Star-Wars-Hyperspace-Stories--The-Bad-Batch--Ghost-Agents-1
Coming this week from GamingTrend Comics:
Impressions of The High Republic Adventures: Phase 3 – Issue #1 and Dead Space!

Stay tuned to GamingTrend.com for all the news, reviews, and interviews you could want: By humans, for humans.