I’m relatively new to the VR scene and, as such, I wasn’t around to experience Arizona Sunshine when it was originally released. But after finishing my first playthrough of Arizona Sunshine Remake along with its two DLC, Dead Man and The Damned, I can only imagine how blown
Sometimes when I try to tell my family what I do in VR, they look at me as if I’m speaking a foreign language and telling them an inside joke that they can’t possibly understand even though I’m explaining as clearly as possible.
I was playing a
Synth Riders goes back to the 80s with new “80s Mixtape – Side B” DLC pack, featuring Queen, Toto, Wham!, The Cure, Rick Astley, and more. The full DLC pack can be purchased for $10.99, while individual tracks can be purchased for $1.99 each. You can check out a
I’ve been playing VR since they were awful prototypes that were almost too hard to use and almost inevitably made you sick to your stomach. While companies like NVIDIA have built powerful graphics cards to help solve the framerate issues, and folks like Pimax can drive 8K images and
I’m starting to think this Weyland Yutani group doesn’t have humanity’s best interests in mind. Call me crazy, but they also don’t seem to be very good engineers. Their ships seem to fall out of the skies, crash landing onto remote stations where they’re doing
I can’t play the trombone in real life, nor can I say that I’ve ever really felt the need to, but you can bet that I was excited to step onto the VR stage like a trombone master in Trombone Champ: Unflattened to perform for my sometimes delighted,
Immersion. It’s what we all strive to find in our games. We become Solid Snake taking down FOXHOUND in Metal Gear. We are Sam Fisher, sneaking through the darkest corridors to keep the world safe. We run down Metroids on Planet Zebes wearing the Power Suit of Samus Aran.
When John Carmack left id Studios to work at Meta (then Facebook), he clearly stated that he had a target in mind – he wanted to make a wireless headset that was affordable and powerful. It has been a long road, and Carmack has since left the company, but he might