A few weeks ago, we brought you word that the Dragon’s Dogma demo would offer participants a little head start on their...
See this picture of M. Bison kicking a disgruntled bear? Starting later this year, this could very well be a scene from...
I wouldn’t have bothered with a traditional demo of Dead Rising 2 — it already had my money — but Capcom’s decision...
Warranted or not, Capcom’s upcoming Dragon’s Dogma is already drawing a lot of comparisons to Skyrim. They’re both open-world action-RPGs set amid...
Are you heading out to the New York Commic-Con? Then you know that there’s a lot more there than just comic-related stuff....
Capcom is still hard at work on Dragon’s Dogma. The game certainly looks like it will be good too. Today we have...
Dragon’s Dogma is one of those games that may get lost in the upcoming onslaught of holiday Triple A titles. But if...
While at E3 I had the opportunity to spend some time with the floor demo of Capcom’s upcoming open-world action RPG Dragon’s...
Do you like fighting huge monsters? Were you a huge fan of either Monster Hunter or Shadow of the Colossus? Do you...