
TGIF: Gaming Trend’s Weekend Lineup

As we settle into the new year, we make our resolutions and vow to stick to them: go on a diet, exercise more, save money, and so forth. But sticking to those resolutions is always easier said than done, and by the third week of the year we usually slide back into our old habits. So let’s not overburden ourselves with such overwhelming and difficult resolutions, let’s just resolve to play more video games. That sounds simple enough. Here’s what the GT Staffers are playing this weekend.

Josh Devlin, Reporter

I’m starting off 2015 by moving into a new apartment. I’m glad I am, but the process is always a hassle. All my consoles are in boxes, so my ability to play video games is very limited. I have to be out of my old place by Tuesday, and I only started packing a couple days ago, so this whole weekend will be dedicated to that grueling process. If there is any time in between moves–or I just need a break–I’ve been slowly, but surely, chipping away at Muramasa Rebirth on the PS Vita. I’ve also wanted to try out Uncharted: Golden Abyss, since I’m a huge Uncharted fan and somehow missed that one when it was released.

Lucious Barnes, Staff Writer

My shelves are fat with the bevy of Christmas gifting, and now that the holidays have finally retreated back into their annual slumber, I look forward to making some time to spend with my new beauties. Dragon Age: Inquisition, although being both GT’s and my personal game of the year, has not been given as much time as it deserves. (Or potentially requires.) It will kick off my video game feasting this Friday.

Saturday will be a romantic evening threesome between me, my girlfriend, and a few hours in the world of Nintendo’s Fantasy Life, a splendidly cute title with all the adorable addictions an E-rated title can offer. When time with that has passed, I think Shadow of Mordor will be calling my name, anxious to fulfill any bloodlust my obligatory time with Destiny will leave unsated. (Or it will give me the satisfaction Destiny regularly robs from me every time one of my legendary engrams turns out to be for the one character class I didn’t create!)

Sunday, although traditionally a day of rest, will be when I attempt to lose some pounds with Shape Up! While my decision to add the Xbox One Kinect to my home remains a dubious one (I’m still convinced it climbs off my TV at night on hidden little legs to watch me while I sleep and maybe the neighbors daughter change her clothes… the sicko.), I’m giving it a chance to prove itself and make me a better, leaner me.

There’s still plenty more in the pile to poke through, especially after Gamestop’s stocking-stuffer price drops, Steam’s ludicrous sales, and the new consoles that were welcomed to the home last year. But at least for the next three days, I think this’ll do.

Eric Van Allen, Editor

Man, is it the weekend again already? Feels like days are flying by. Hopefully soon we’ll be getting in more stuff to review and talk about. I’ve already turned in my first review of 2015, and well… you can look at the score and interpret whether that will be my weekend game or not.

What I will be playing is probably a lot more of Danganronpa 2. I finished the first and am now on the second trial of the second. This series just continues to impress, and I’m really glad it has such a cult following here in the US. It’s well-deserved. Besides that, I’ll hopefully get some time in for Dota 2 or Heroes of the Storm, and maybe I’ll finally start my first Diablo 3 run. Maybe even start Suikoden II! But seeing how my work schedule has been crazy lately, my Vita is my best friend. Sneaking in quick 10 minute Danganronpa bursts is way easier than sitting down and committing to a new game.

Niko DelValle, Editor

As I get further into Elite: Dangerous, I’ve had the game for weeks now, it’s starting to wear on me that these activities seem to lose their luster over time. There is some lack of depth to them all that makes it hard to do them for a long time. It doesn’t change the score I’ve given to the game, I still love it and it’s given me dozens of hours of enjoyment. But as I said in my review, I don’t think it’s a masterpiece… but I hope with some time, Frontier Developments to make it into one. I’ll make sure to write a short article every now and then about the games progress as it goes forward. Anyways, what I mean by the tangent is that I will be playing a little less Elite: Dangerous.

I have a backlog of games to go through right now, though out of Child of Light, Transistor, The Talos Principle, The Banner Saga, Papers Please, and The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings I have no idea what to start with. I had wanted to revisit a specific game from 2013, one of my favorites of that year, in Divinity Dragon Commander but my backlog is so big as it is. Then of course there is new anime coming out to watch… decisions, decisions. I hope you guys have a better method of choosing what to play then I do.

Ron Burke, Editor in Chief

First, let’s talk about that New Years Resolution thing.  Rather than committing to lose weight, I resolved to really make a radical change.  The first thing to do is announce it so people can keep you accountable, right?  So here we go:  Phase 1 of my diet plan is roughly 2200 calories across 6 meals consisting of light proteins (but lots of em) and almost zero fat.  Combine that with lifting at least 3 days a week (trying for 4) and then cardio for at least 2 days (trying for 3) should lead me to some measure of success.   My weight lifting is going well (I can max out most machines and have switched to free weights for more challenge) but I’m just not quite in the shape I want to be in.  Let’s see if I can change that.  That leads nicely into what I’m playing…

Xbox Fitness!   You can all check my progress as you can see my “Last played” and my stats.  For MOSSA Fight I’m scoring over 100,000 frequently (compared to the average at around half that) and I’m getting close to that in MOSSA Fight 2.  It’d be nice to have more variety than that, but I’ll take it over Shawn T.  What a douche….

For actual gaming, I’m taking it old school and have installed The Dig, Loom, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.  I needed some adventure nostalgia, and those should fill that gap nicely.   Take that, meat bags!

What are you playing this weekend? Tell us in the comments below.

On December 5, 1986, Josh was born into this world pink-faced and squalling. His only thoughts were, "WHAT IS GOING ON? WHO ARE ALL OF THESE PEOPLE? AND WHY THE HELL AM I NAKED?" 19 years later he bought an Xbox 360 and now plays and writes about video games. Life is funny that way.

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