Pack your bags and your ramen noodles, because we’re heading to college in The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion Pack! This is the newest expac for the popular Sims franchise, which launched on November 15th 2019.

There are two schools you can choose from; The more prestigious and classic University of Britechester, or the more modern Foxbury Institute. I started a fresh character on the brand new Britechester map, and clothed her in nothing but the new items from the expansion. There is a nice selection of new clothing and accessory items that come with this expac, and your choice to either start in a house, or on campus. Below is a quick video showcasing all the new items.

The Sims 4 - Discover University - New clothing and build items [Gaming Trend]

Since it’s been a while since I last played, I decided to focus on just this expansion and all of the goodies that came with it for the sake of this review. I started out in the off-campus house with my new game, and once I figured out that you can apply for a scholarship via the mailbox, I sent my application off and patiently waited. You can also apply via computer, if you have one. As I waited to hear back, I used this time to make new friends and level up some of my skills. It only took a day to get my approval, after which I used my phone to sign up for the University of Britechester.

There are several degree choices for UBrite, and though my Sim didn’t qualify for any of the Distinguished Degrees, I was able to choose from the following: Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Physics, Psychology, or Villainy. As much as Villainy appealed to me, I decided to go with Biology because my Sims traits are all happy/do gooder traits.

Once I made my selections, I packed my bags and moved into the on-campus Darkwing University Housing dorm. You’ll share your dorm with other students, which comes with very few perks. My Sim is constantly uncomfortable from things like walking in on another Sim in the shower, being insulted by rude Sims, and encountering the snob who lives there. Since my housing doesn’t have an oven, and you can’t modify a dorm lot to add one, her stomach is always upset from eating quick meals and microwaved meals. It’s definitely rough to get a good balanced diet here on campus, and not only that, my poor Sim keeps getting fat from all the junk food. Lucky for her though, just one jog sheds the pounds off. I feel bad for my Sim that she’s constantly ill from cold, microwaved food, but in the end I know it’ll all pay off. My dorm is also forever trashed, which brings her mood down even more.

Just like real life, I’m finding it hard to balance sleep, homework, my extra skills needed for the particular degree I chose, and having a social life. Most of my free time I spend on the computer studying, my class days take up most of my daytime, and I’ll spend the rest of the evening doing my homework. I’m also working hard on a presentation I have to give. Each semester only lasts a few Sim days, so you have to cram everything in. I’ve taken a couple of semesters with more than two classes, and it gets really hectic. Somehow I have managed to keep my GPA at a B- but it hasn’t been easy.

Because I am still trying to feel my way around the game again, I had a rough time figuring out that I could do my homework from the book in my inventory, or write my term paper from the University tab on the computer. Those of you who are familiar with the game should have no trouble navigating your new campus life.

There are also Student Organizations that you can become a part of. The University of Britechester has The Debate Club, which I sat in on a few times, Art Society, and The University of Britechester Spirit Corps.

I’ve had a few spare moments to walk around campus and meet some new friends. I went to a talent show at the pub, and got together with fellow students to study. There are also kiosks on campus that you can buy university-themed clothing from, and items to decorate your dorm with. I’ve also toilet papered the statue at the center of the campus once or twice!

I’ve found that The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion Pack is very similar to a real life, soul-crushing college experience. It’s keeping me on my toes, and I look forward to (hopefully) getting my degree so I can become a Marine Biologist. At the very least, I’m looking forward to a good home cooked meal once I graduate!

The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion Pack is currently retailing for $39.99 USD.

Review Guidelines

The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion Pack


If you enjoy The Sims 4, this is definitely a must-have expansion pack. If you’re familiar with the franchise, you’ll recognize a lot of similar things from Sims 3 University Life. It’s a stressful and hectic expansion, but reflects a realistic college experience. Now, if only one jog could shed 50 pounds in real life….

  • A nice selection of new clothing, hairstyles, and furnishing items.
  • New map, with a true college experience, including dorm housing.
  • Fun activities, like juice pong.
  • Classes can get very hectic to manage if you sign up for more than 2 per semester.
  • Sim is constantly uncomfortable from bad food, and crappy roommates.

Unless otherwise stated, the product in this article was provided for review purposes.
See also: PC
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