Anger Foot is a game all about kicking people in the face. Actually, it’s a game about kicking everything you can to get your sneakers back. You play in Shit City, yes you read that right. Your job is to clean up the city using the swift justice of your foot. Sure, at some points you have a gun, but when your foot is capable of kicking a grenade out of the air, I’m not sure why you would bother shooting.

You play as Anger Foot, who finally got the last pair of shoes he needed to complete his collection. You and your wife (assuming she is his wife) are putting the shoes away in your shoe room when suddenly, the wall of your apartment building explodes and someone steals your shoes.

Anger Foot will not be perfect to everyone, but after kicking multiple men on various toilets and smashing a dude’s head into a urinal with my foot, I decided it’s nearly perfect for me. Honestly, Anger Foot is a whole experience. You can complete it in 5-8 hours, or if you’re like me, it will take you longer because you want to soak in the atmosphere.

In Anger Foot, you make your way through tight levels, normally a building, as you search for the people who stole your shoes. Men, women, and lizards will try to stop you. Shoot them or kick them and just keep moving. In many ways, Anger Foot is a first-person shooter, but I much preferred kicking everyone in the face.

This game is vibrant as hell. Everything looks handmade in the best way possible. Shit City feels like it could be a real place. Even the drinks in the damn vending machine have unique names! As you kick people into the wall with the force of a thousand suns, you’ll be head-bobbing to a soundtrack that just won’t quit. The bass is off the charts and I love it.

Shit City

Shit City is a crime-infested wasteland. Everyone is used to it so the whole culture of the city feels weird, and I adore it. The dialogue of the NPCs is wild and outlandish. You’re not going to get anything too profound out of anyone.

In Shit City, crime is the law, and everyone is in a gang. Speak of, as you kick people down to the fantastic soundtrack, you’ll face off against four different gangs that all answer to the Crime Minister. The Violence Gang is a ruthless crew of muggers and thieves. The Pollution Gang are the filthiest thugs in town. The Business Gang are slick hustlers and corporate fraudsters. The Debauchery Gang is the unholiest gang in all of Shit City.

As I was getting introduced to Shit City I was laughing so hard it became hard to pay attention. I was thinking that there was no way that this was going to be the setting of the game. Free Lives, the developer, did a fantastic job of integrating the jokes into the setting, making everything extremely cohesive. Honestly, the presentation of the setting had me begging for more information.

I don’t understand 90% of what the NPCs in Angry Foot go on about and I didn’t care. The story is simple enough to follow, and the gameplay is so good that I found myself replaying levels on repeat just for fun.


Anger Foot is a first-person shooter. The big difference is that your primary weapon is your foot. You’ll be able to get a pistol and an SMG that has limited ammunition, you have to pick up a new gun to reload.

The levels are tight. More often than not, you’re running through an apartment or office building. Sometimes the levels will have variation, for example, at one point you’ll have to jump from a window to land in a separate apartment building. The bathrooms can have people sitting in the stalls, if you kick them before they can get up, they will slump over. Don’t worry! Everyone’s bits are completely blurred out, so there is no nudity. The shit in the toilet is also blurred out. I have no idea why, but when I noticed this for the first time, I laughed for what felt like five minutes.

As you travel from level to level, you’ll run into new enemy types. This is where I truly fell in love with the style of Anger Foot. Everything is animated beautifully, the colors on every level pop, and every enemy type has character. My favorite of these are the guys whose heads explode. You can shoot their head off to prevent the explosion or kick them in the chest to blow up the whole room. I love their design and the gameplay potential they add to a crowded room.

Each level has a set of optional challenges. I ignored them until I was ready to run a level again. You’ll want to complete these challenges though, because it’s how you unlock sneakers, which are the other major gameplay element in Anger Foot.

As you continue kicking through Shit City and unlocking sneakers, the levels become more varied. Some of the sneakers you can unlock include Firefighters: These sneakers will give you immunity to fire and explosion damage. You also get extra propulsion to rocket jumps. The Clown Shoes are my favorite. They make confetti and circus sounds happen around you. When you kill an enemy, they deflate and shoot around the room. There are 23 shoes to collect and no one shoe is the best, so have fun and experiment! Or be like me and only play with the Clown Shoes.

Anger Foot comes with some accessibility features, too. Assist mode lets you adjust everything to your liking. You can make bosses and enemies easier. Never Die will let you…never die. It does exactly what it says. I didn’t play with this option but it’s there for those who need it. There are tons of settings to change around, so be sure to jump into the options!

Final Thoughts

Anger Foot is not without issues. I play the game primarily on the Steam Deck and the framerate fluctuations are extremely noticeable. They happen when a lot of enemies are in one room and these drops can get you killed, forcing you to start the level over.

I love Anger Foot because the world is outrageous, but well-built enough to make it believable. The levels are small, yes, but I love the corridor-to-corridor gameplay. The story is simple and easy to follow and I find that to be extremely refreshing. There is nothing in Anger Foot that feels out of place.
When using a gun, the shooting is smooth, though I prefer kicking. You can kick everything and everyone. At one point I kicked a mom into her kid named “Glock” and it was hilarious. At the end of the day, Anger Foot is well-paced. The soundtrack is killer: The constant bass happening as you kick someone into a fridge makes the game so much better. Anger Foot succeeds at everything it tries to do.



Review Guidelines

Anger Foot


Angry Foot is a fun first-person shooter where your primary weapon is your foot. Anger Foot has a stylized cartoon-like aesthetic similar to what you would find on Adult Swim. With smooth gameplay and an exotic world, Anger Foot is a must-buy.

  • Vibrant World
  • Smooth Gameplay
  • Funny Dialogue
  • Great soundtrack
  • Frames dip when too many enemies are in one area

Unless otherwise stated, the product in this article was provided for review purposes.
See also: Anger Foot | PC
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