If you’re like us here at Gaming Trend, you’re too excited for Destiny’s upcoming expansion, Rise of Iron, to wait for it to drop on the 20th. Well, you’re in luck, because we have tons of footage for you to enjoy before the 20th! Check it out!
Here’s the first story mission from Rise of Iron:
Here’s some footage of two of the new multiplayer maps (Last Exit, and Skyline):
Next up, we’ve got one of the new strikes called, “Sepkis Perfected”:
Finally, we’ve got an extended sneak peek of the new social space, “Felwinter Peak,” and a tour of “The Plaguelands,” including the Archon’s Forge:
We’ll have even more footage from Rise of Iron to share on the 20th, when the expansion releases! Stay tuned!
You know that jerk online that relentlessly trash talks you after every kill? That guy was probably Travis "Tie Guy" Northup. Competitive, snarky, and constantly wearing a tie, Travis has been writing his opinions about electronic media since he was a teenager, and is pretty much the only person to hold his opinions in high regard.

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