Gaming Trend Editors Kenneth Shepard and Eric Van Allen have made their sojurn to the desert (it’s in Las Vegas — no need to feel bad for them) to dig up all that is fit to print on the Sony PlayStation Experience.  New trailers, fresh hands-on perspectives, and so much more will be appearing in this space soon.   Stay tuned, folks – Sony has a great deal in store for 2015.


Dying Light Story Trailer

Batman: Arkham Knight – Ace Chemicals Infiltration Trailer: Part 3

Orcs Must Die! Unchained announced for PS4 / PC

No Man’s Sky – Galaxy Trailer

No Man’s Sky – Portal Trailer  (coming soon!)

Street Fighter V Announced for PS4 and PC – first footage


Hands-on and first Impressions:

Drinkbox’s newest title, Severed

First impressions of Until Dawn

30 minutes of Hands-on with The Order: 1886

Hands-on with From’s Souls successor, Bloodborne

Guns of Icarus Online comes to PS4 with PC Cross-play and PvE

Impressions from Sony’s exclusive Destiny strike, The Undying Mind

Hands-on with Salt and Sanctuary, a 2D fantasy inspired by Castlevania and Dark Souls

Hands-on with Tearaway: Unfolded’s PS4 mechanics

Impressions from Harmonix’s Amplitude revival

First impressions of the sketched-up new shooter Drawn to Death

Hands-on with Lost Orbit, a breakneck-speed space adventure 

Monkeyin’ around with Jungle Rumble, a new rhythm-puzzler for the Vita

Hands-on with Chroma Squad, the Power Rangers sim-RPG

First impressions of Loadout’s console debut

A few waves of Dungeon Defenders 2

A few rounds with Mortal Kombat X at PSX


Telltale is working on a new IP

Naughty Dog’s process in bringing Nathan Drake to current-gen


Editorial: Games Need More Events Like PlayStation Experience

Editorial : Sony, It’s Time For a PlayStation All-Stars Sequel

Gallery: A tour of everything on PlayStation Experience’s show floor

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