
We interview: Kenneth Ng (Razer’s Global Sustainability Lead) discussing Razer’s sustainability goals!

It’s sometimes difficult to put into words just what exactly a company does to help keep things green in their company. A lot of people can use buzz words or anything to try and make people “think” they’re doing the right things to help. But are they?

Ron Burke, our editor in chief, and I got to sit down with Kenneth Ng, Razer’s Global Sustainability Lead, to discuss everything sustainability for Razer including their initiatives that are currently running as well as some plans for the future. It was a great chat! Take a look!

You can also get more information on their website!

Adam is a musician and gamer who loves his partner in crime, Regan, and their two pets Rey and Finn. Adam is a fan of Star Wars, Mass Effect, NFL Football, and gaming in general. Follow Adam on Twitter @TheRexTano.

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