We got an extensive look at Hex: Shards of Fate, an incredibly deep and unique MMO TCG.  The collectable card game transcends what has otherwise been possible with physical cards, allowing players to create their own, power them up, and far more.  The complexity and depth still somehow comes across in a very intuitive way, and as the game is getting ready to head into Early Access we talked a bit with CEO Cory Jones on his darling Kickstarter success story.


If you are unfamliar with Hex: Shards of Fate or other TCGs (or have no idea what a TCG is), here is a little primer on Hex:

HEX can do things a paper TCG can only dream of doing. Socket gems in cards to give them additional powers, use card powers to transform them into different cards mid-match. The Double Back makes each card an individual collectible. Cards gain experience and have individual achievements that allow you to unlock extended art and foil versions. Deck statistics give you instant feedback about your deck’s composition, its record, and other statistics.

The best part?  You don’t have to actually spend real money at all to really enjoy this game.  Real money is spent on drafts and tournaments.   The game is heading into Early Access, so a great deal is being balanced, but from what I saw it looks like Hex: Shards of Fate is everything fans hoped it could be and so much more.

Hex: Shards of Fate is scheduled for release later this year.

See also: E3 | Mac | PC
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