What a flipping first day for fans to be back in the building? After a year and a half of online Call Of Duty League, fans were finally at the venue for what proved to be a special day of COD. Hopes were dashed, upsets were had, and I’m pretty sure at least one of the teams we expected at the top didn’t make it to championship Sunday. Let’s talk about that and more below!

  • SEATTLE SURGE. Nobody expected anything from them after a beatdown of their bottom four counterparts in Paris Legion and the London Royal Ravens. They had done this before, defeating them and then being dropped out of Major IV without a trace. Today, they hiked up their big boy pants and took it to what was assumed to be the best team in the league. With the rest of his team contributing timely plays, Classic went off in the Game 5 versus Atlanta Faze and absconded with a win despite everything the three time 2021 Major champs threw at them. Let’s not take anything away from them, this team played extremely hard and made almost every map a scrappy one. They did the same against Chicago Optic, but their run ended in a Game 5 on the same map they upset Faze on.
  • What’s going on with Atlanta Faze? They seem to have lost full composure. Usually so disciplined, it seems like they were going rogue too often and trying to hard to make plays. While there is a time for that, on the final map we watched them waste two scorestreaks from Cellium, walking away with no kills and two round losses in route to a final round where they lost the series and were kicked from the Major V stage. Sometimes you’re just off, but Faze need to figure it out fast if they want to be the kings of Call Of Duty at Champs in August. They have a first seed, but there’s no extra warm up from here. You either play, or you lose.
  • If the Minnesota Rokkr beating Faze and Empire 3-1 couldn’t convince you they’re the top team right now, maybe you should watch their 3-0 of the Toronto Ultra. Priestahh didn’t have the stellar series he’s been having all Stage V, but everybody else showed up, posting plus 32 kills between Standy, Attach, and MajorManiak. They’ve already guaranteed themselves top 2 and are one game away from the Major V crown. The real question is, can anyone beat them?
  • Lets be real, having fans back was one of the best things ever. From the moment the matches started, we could hear the crowd reacting to every engagement. From what was said on Twitter, even the CDL picked up on that and put additional mics on the stage to pick up more of it to push through the live broadcast. This definitely was felt by the players, as you could see them roaring after each big win. As much as I dislike them, I feel like Optic are probably going to feed off of the crowd the most, with Scump the kind of player who drinks in the attention. We might be in for a Rokkr-Optic finals if that’s the case, but Optic do have to get through Empire and then Toronto to do it.

You know the drill, here are your matches for tomorrow along with a handy video link to watch!

Call Of Duty League 2021 Season | Stage V Major Tournament | Day 4

There are also some awesome viewership rewards to be earned, just head over to this link to set everything up! You can follow the league both live and after hours on the official Call Of Duty League YouTube channel right here. If you want to jump into the game, check out CallOfDuty.com, and if you want to know more about it first, check out our review right here.

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