We may not have had the most competitive matches out there in terms of scoring, with two 3-0s on the board, but don’t tell me we didn’t get some competitive play. Watching the late season action shows players at the top of their game, and we even got a rookie debut that wasn’t half bad, along with another rookie shaking off the nerves for a stellar second series. There’s a lot to go over today, and we’ve got all our thoughts together for you to peruse. Along with a side of donuts.
Seattle Surge vs Paris Legion
Actual: 3-0 Seattle Surge
- I don’t think any of us are surprised by this result, but Seattle may be proving to be past their up and down ways after a run to a championship in Major III. This was an absolutely dominant win, and beyond the closer than it looks Search and Destroy, they did everything right in route to the 3-0 rout. Anytime you drop +51 kills as a team in only three maps, it’s a good day.
- Pred is also showing off that MVP status. He was hungry today, running at Paris and making them look silly in the respawns. He had a bit of a rough time in the S&D, but it shows his talent in that he dropped 70 kills between the other two maps. Even if one of them was a Bocage, that’s impressive. Overall he finished with a 1.54 KD and +26 kills.
- While it was a weird Search for Seattle, they buckled down and got things done. They went down 0-3 at one point, and just when you thought they might lose this one they started reading Paris like a book en route to a 6-4 win. It wasn’t pretty, but any time a team puts together nearly six straight rounds in an S&D it’s impressive.
- This was a big day because all the talk online was about how good Paris looked in scrims. As per usual, scrims don’t mean a thing, but at least it seems like the Legion largely have a roster they can count on. This was a match against the defending champs, and Paris still didn’t get speed run. I know it’s an odd positive to look at, but there aren’t many to take out of a 0-3 loss.
- Another positive in this one was oJohnny. While the stat line still shows him at -16 kills in this one, after a tough Bocage he looked largely decent. He was the most important part of them being up 3-0 in the Search, and he was constantly reading Pred’s mail on the map. He finished that one 12/7. While the rest of the stats could be abysmal to some, he was still tied for first in kills and second in damage. It’s something to build on.
- With four games to go against Optic, Thieves, Mutineers, and Rokkr on the schedule, you gotta think this team is likely to go 0-5 again. Optic will be on the warpath after going 0-2 this week, along with being more healthy. The trio of LAT, Florida, and Minnesota will also be hunting for better seeding or even a spot at Champs. Paris may not be an easy out, but they will be looked at as a needed win.
Florida Mutineers vs Minnesota Rokkr
Actual: 3-0 Florida Mutineers
- This was one of the biggest surprises of the day, not in that Florida got the win, but in how ridiculously they stalled out Minnesota. The Mutineers fell apart versus New York in their first match of the stage, and then looked incredible in this one. Sometimes it all clicks, and we saw it in this match.
- While it still wasn’t the prettiest match, 2Real did look calmer versus Minnesota. He wasn’t getting caught out of position like he was versus the Subliners, and he was the difference in the Bocage Search and Destroy. 10/5 with 1203 damage is somewhat insane for anyone, and this one was by a rookie in only his second match.
- Majormaniak may still not be the most ideal fit for this roster, but he certainly took it to his former team. The guy was positive on every map and a walking multi-kill, not to mention most of them being incredibly important ones to secure map position for his team. Look no further than another stupidly mixy Tuscan with both teams fighting for P2, where Mike drops two for Florida to take the map in a 250-246 nailbiter (for the second time in a week!).
- This was not one Minnesota wanted to lose. You don’t want to lose any of them, but with a Champs seed in their sights, this team pooped the bed. Especially given this was a bit of a rivalry game, with Florida looking to tie in the standings, and facing their former player Majormaniak with Florida’s former player in Havok. It’s just a bad look from a team that seemed like they were picking up where they left off in the beatdown of Optic.
- Nobody looked good in this one, with no one finishing positive and several brain farts coming through in rounds of S&D and Control where I thought they really should have clutched up. It wasn’t just that either, they had Florida on the ropes in the Control, and instead of it being never chalked, the door got shut in their face.
- It feels like the air got sucked out of them in the opening Tuscan. Your adrenaline is riding high in these moments, and Rokkr made some stellar plays in order to get P2 and it looked over. But twice, Florida broke them with four down. That saps all of your energy in a loss, and it showed throughout the rest of the series.
Los Angeles Thieves vs Atlanta Faze
Actual: 3-2 Atlanta Faze
- As a Faze fan, I was ready to hand Thieves the win after the Gavutu Hardpoint. They were disgusting on it, slamming Faze 250-128. Drazah went nuts on this one, sitting on the hill and letting no one get by him to the tune of 29/18. This was the best they looked all match, and maybe they’ve gotten the “don’t chall us on Gav” energy back.
- That being said, they got completely embarrassed in Search and Destroy. I thought this one would be 2-0 heading into the Control, because Los Angeles made Boston look silly on Berlin in a 6-2 win. But Atlanta shut that door in a dominant 6-0. Worse still, this team did it again in the Bocage S&D, getting 6-0ed for a second time! We knew they needed to work on it, but you didn’t think it’d look this bad. Somehow, it was even worse than that, with Octane going 0-12 between the two matches. You wonder how that’s even possible.
- Kenny man. This has been the standard, going +20 kills and then -20 in the next series. It was exactly -20 kills, but he did it again. He has to be more impactful for this team, and it bled over to the rest of his teammates, all who finished negative for -46 kills.
- Well, we at least know they’re practicing at what dogged them last Major. Both Search and Destroy and the Tuscan Hardpoint looked better, with Faze dictating the pace along with making better rotations in both modes. Sure, that Gavutu was worrisome, but I might chalk that up to playing for the first time in a while versus a team that was coming in off of a hot 3-0 with two trips to Gav.
- The Search and Destroys were insane, with Atlanta very rarely looking like they were the ones at a disadvantage. Even when the Thieves put them down a man, Atlanta would work the map and get a kill to even things out. If this team can keep playing like this, no one will be able to touch them, and 12-0 in Search versus anyone is scary. You have to play literally perfectly to do that.
- Speaking of perfect play, Both Simp and Cellium played out of their minds in this one. It’s almost weird to say that Celliums score was standard for him, but he nearly replicated his stats from the last match versus the Thieves, 92/64 for a 1.44 KD and +28 kills to go with 11688 damage. Somehow Simp outdamaged Cell with 12071, but some of that has to be due to his absurd 18/4 in the S&Ds. He was all over the place and ended LAT’s day with the hat trick with a great read on Kenny in the 1v1.
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