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Game Editorials

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Editorials   -   Aug 02, 2019 Fire Emblem: Three Houses will make you a happier, healthier person
Fire Emblem: Three Houses will make you a happier, healthier person

Life is hard. I get it. Whether you’re struggling to adjust to a new routine, hunt down a new job, or find romance in a sea of mixed messages, juggling the tribulations of an unpredictable and challenging existence can really get you down. But, at a certain point, you

by Abram Buehner
Editorials   -   Jul 30, 2019 Block stacking on the go – Dragon Quest Builders 2 on the Nintendo Switch
Block stacking on the go – Dragon Quest Builders 2 on the Nintendo Switch

I played Dragon Quest on the original NES…and that’s the last I’ve seen of the series. When Dragon Quest Builders 2 hit our review queue, Codi Spence jumped on it, having had more exposure to the series than I had. His review on PlayStation 4 made the

by Ron Burke
Editorials   -   Jun 06, 2019 Excited for Google Stadia? You might want to read the fine print first
Excited for Google Stadia? You might want to read the fine print first

Regardless of where you come down on game streaming, chances are that our industry is eventually going to move in that direction. We’ve seen film, TV, books, music and more head to the cloud and to expect that gaming isn’t marching in that direction too is foolhardy. However,

by Abram Buehner
Editorials   -   May 05, 2019 Final Fantasy is a treasure trove of pop culture
Final Fantasy is a treasure trove of pop culture

The Final Fantasy series has always been both self-referential and filled to the gills with pop culture references. As I played my copies of Final Fantasy X and X-2 Remastered on my Nintendo Switch, I got to re-experience them. For those who might have missed them, here’s a few

by Ron Burke
Editorials   -   Apr 08, 2019 Five Nintendo games that would be perfect in Labo VR
Five Nintendo games that would be perfect in Labo VR

Nintendo Labo is one of Nintendo’s most creative, albeit underbaked, endeavors in the company’s history. Being able to use the Nintendo Switch system in tandem with Labo’s ingeniously designed, cardboard Toy-Con peripherals to play games in brand-new ways really underscores the company’s commitment to fun and

by Abram Buehner
Editorials   -   Mar 28, 2019 Anthem is stronger and weaker at the same time – one month post-launch update
Anthem is stronger and weaker at the same time – one month post-launch update

As I mentioned in my review for Anthem, the game-as-a-service nature makes it a moving target. We are now a month after launch, so it is reasonable to take a look at the current state of the game. The last 30 days have seen several patches, including an extensive Day

by Ron Burke
Editorials   -   Nov 12, 2018 “You’re making a chicken out of a feather” – BlizzCon 2018 wrap-up
“You’re making a chicken out of a feather” – BlizzCon 2018 wrap-up

BlizzCon 2018 may not have had any huge announcements this year, but Blizzard still had some pretty exciting things to talk about. While I will only give my personal thoughts on the World of Warcraft and Overwatch announcements, this article will go over all of the things unveiled at the

by Holly Hudspeth
Editorials   -   Sep 13, 2018 Competitive Pokemon — Better Than You Think
Competitive Pokemon — Better Than You Think

The third in our ongoing series “Better Than You Think,” this time with a proper video link above if you’ve been following, where we take aspects of games, for some reason or another, that may have been neglected when judged by the community at large, and actually give them

by Calvin Trager
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