Nintendo has finally revealed its next console, and it is almost exactly what reports from Eurogamer and other outlets described earlier this year.

Back in July, Eurogamer reported that the Nintendo Switch — then called the NX — was “a portable, handheld console with detachable controllers.” The report went on to describe the process by which the portable console would connect to a TV via a docking station, and that the core of the system would feature a kickstand for use on-the-go. As you can see from the trailer below, the report was pretty much without error.

What you also might have noticed from the trailer is that it’s been played by a few people. In fact, at least 11 people can be seen interacting with the console. Some are in the home, others are at parties, and a couple of them were at a heavily populated airport terminal. So aside from the 11 documented persons going hands-on with the Switch, there is also a countless multitude of people (and one dog) seen within the vicinity of the unreleased console.

With so many people needed to shoot this trailer, it’s no wonder we got such a detailed description of the console. A report following the July leak quoted a source claiming that Eurogamer’s report was “100 percent accurate.” While some were skeptical of this report’s validity (few, if any, outlets were able to corroborate the story), the use of layman terms could easily suggest that someone working on the trailer — perhaps someone not heavily invested in games media — saw the console and let the news slip.


Known Nintendo Switch witnesses ^^


This is all blatant conjecture, but it’s still interesting to see Nintendo make such an effort to modernize their marketing tactics, especially considering how secretive the Big N usually is. Now that the veil’s been lifted, hopefully Nintendo will be more expeditious in giving us further details on the Switch!

See also: SWITCH
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