Devotion is the true story of an enduring friendship between two naval officers during the Korean War. The year is 1950, and...
Racing is a weird genre in board games. It feels as if one day in the last decade all the big names...
The state of Crossbell has moved to declare its independence. Negotiations at the Zemuria Trade Conference were underway when Mayor Crois proposed...
I am not the biggest fan of racing games. Most of them have been really hard for me to get into and...
If you have ever had the desire to run your own economy in a board game there are more than a few...
Since Destiny 2’s latest expansion is large and covers a lot of in-game ground for the franchise, GamingTrend has brought in two...
It is tradition on the secluded Rogetsu Isle that the Kagura Festival be held once every ten years. Five girls attending the...
Kirby never struck me as a particularly sentimental guy. He makes friends easily and embarks on the next world-spanning conquest easier. In...
Quirky western RPGs aren’t necessarily a dime a dozen. There are standouts, like Fallout 3 or Skyrim, but we haven’t had that...
Nose plugs, frilly swim caps, matching one pieces, cooperative card game play…all things associated with synchronized swimming. At least, these are the...
Everyday I hear more news about new advances in artificial intelligence from writing essays for school children turning a picture of grandma...
We got to sit down with Julien Mombert, Director and Producer of The Wild Faery Company to talk about Crystaline Resonance: Final...
I appreciate games that get right to the point, and Zombieland: Headshot Fever Reloaded is the epitome of directness. There’s no complex... Destiny 2: Lightfall launched to a lot of disappointing reactions. Noah and Anthony share their thoughts on what they've experienced. David...
We reviewed the SL5000 from Vertagear last year, citing some excellent new technologies baked in, including their new HygennX smell-repellent material. The...
No Man’s Sky had a rocky launch, but frankly that’s not the story. Better said, No Man’s Sky has had a fantastic...
Ever wanted to feel like John Wick? How about John Wick crossed with Daft Punk? That might be an oversimplification, but Pistol...
I’m an avid American football fan, if not as much as I have been in previous years. Even so, I get the...
I’ve had lots to say about Synth Riders on PC, celebrating their expansion packs and noting in my review that it’s my...
It’s always depressing when a work with interesting ideas behind it ends up not fulfilling that potential. Not just because I have...
Orichalcum is a game having an identity crisis. Its production, from artwork to components, suggests that it's a family weight game. But...
Souls of Chronos is an indie RPG developed by FUTU Studios and published by Astrolab Games. The game consists of chibi styled...
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a rarity; a new IP that oozes quality, has a distinct personality, is brutally challenging while remaining...
There are plenty of VR games out in the world now, even if the technology is still somewhat in its infancy. I’m...
The world is clawing its way out of centuries of barbarism and religious stricture, and our little game centers on 4 particular...
I’ve reviewed a few Gran Turismo games over the years, but I can’t put my finger on why they just haven’t held...
There are some games that just don’t lend themselves to a virtual reality experience. You’d think a city builder would belong squarely...
Virtual Reality is pure power fantasy. It can put you closer to the action than any other gameplay system, making every shooter...
It seems most gamers have left behind wires, or at the very least they detest them. I remember working at GameStop and...
What makes a board game great? You'd think that as a game reviewer, I'd have a clever, and concise answer to that...
Chess is one of the most classic, iconic, and long-lasting board games of all time. The basics are simple but the strategy...