Travis Northup

As a longtime fan of the Ace Attorney games, I was both excited and nervous when I first heard about The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. I love Phoenix Wright and friends, and just couldn’t imagine playing an Ace Attorney game that was so completely detached from everything I’ve
by Travis Northup
Like a dodgeball to the face, Knockout City knocked me off my feet in seconds and I never saw it coming. From the awesome, cheesy premise to the airtight dodgeball mechanics, Knockout City culminates into a ultra-polished and addictive competitive game that’s worthy of mentioning in the same breath
by Travis Northup
When the original Demon’s Souls first came out in 2009, it was a lot like buying my first car: It wasn’t the prettiest or fanciest thing on the lot, and getting started was a little scary, but it was also new, exciting, and really special to me. Coming
by Travis Northup
Earlier this year, we reviewed Gears Tactics for PC, most of which is applicable to the Xbox Series X/S versions. You can find that review here. Having now played through Gears Tactics a second time, the turn-based mayhem wearing a hefty coat of Gears paint on top of it
by Travis Northup
After 26 years in obscurity, referenced only as a game no one was able to beat or as a meme you could pre-order at Gamestop, Rare has finally reached into the vault and brought back Zitz, Pimple, and Rash to create Battletoads (2020). While the original Battletoads was notoriously difficult
by Travis Northup
It’s a bit on-the-nose that developer Cold Symmetry’s attempt to hijack the beloved soulslike genre and make it their own is a game where you literally possess the bodies of other people. Tortured metaphors aside though, Mortal Shell actually pulls off the act quite well, with some interesting
by Travis Northup
Of all the games I’ve played this year, Disintegration is by far the most unusual. Very little about it is what you expect, from the bizarre sci-fi setting to the RTS-inspired combat style that sees you fighting from atop a floating motorcycle. And with one of the creators of
by Travis Northup
On the heels of another truly awesome entry in the Gears series, it might seem bizarre for The Coalition to release the exact opposite kind of game you’d expect fans to have an interest in. Gears Tactics is a turn-based strategy game that throws the old Gears rulebook out
by Travis Northup