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Terrance Hale's Work 52 Articles
Previews   -   Sep 22, 2019 A weekend of mayhem: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Beta week two
A weekend of mayhem: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Beta week two

From September 19th through the 23rd, players will have the opportunity to kick ass and take names in the week 2 beta of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. With week two of Activision and Infinity Ward’s iconic war time shooter underway, it has been opened to PC, Xbox One,

by Terrance Hale
Reviews   -   Sep 11, 2019 A race to beat the rest — World Rally Championship 8 review
A race to beat the rest — World Rally Championship 8 review

After taking a year off to bring new experiences to their World Rally Championship series, Kylotonn is back with WRC 8, and it’s got a lot to offer this time around. Make no mistake, WRC 8 is a rally racing game that takes being behind the wheel seriously. So

by Terrance Hale
Previews   -   Sep 10, 2019 Killing monsters never felt so good — Killsquad preview
Killing monsters never felt so good — Killsquad preview

Have you ever seen or done something that feels familiar, but you simply can’t peg it? Don’t worry, a case of déjà vu can sometimes be reminiscent of good times, like Novarama’s four-player, action-role playing game, Killsquad.  With its fast-paced action, spot on game mechanics, and ability

by Terrance Hale
Reviews   -   Sep 03, 2019 Its torch continues to burn bright — Torchlight II review
Its torch continues to burn bright — Torchlight II review

Dungeon crawlers are nothing new in gaming, but only the best tend to stand the test of time, as it takes more than an open world and myriad of advancing enemies to keep players coming back to a familiar world. Torchlight II is a game that has proven that, in

by Terrance Hale
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