Sonya Haskins

Sometimes when I try to tell my family what I do in VR, they look at me as if I’m speaking a foreign language and telling them an inside joke that they can’t possibly understand even though I’m explaining as clearly as possible. I was playing a
by Sonya Haskins
Black Sun Productions’ Metamorphosis VR features the adventure story of Gregor Samsa, a man who is transformed into an insect – a cockroach to be specific, and then must navigate an imposing human-sized world where everyday objects are used for bug purposes. He must solve puzzles, navigate obstacles, and interact with
by Sonya Haskins
When I was seven, a teenage neighbor dared me to race down a hill in our trailer park. He said I could ride my bicycle while he planned to run so obviously I knew I could beat him. As a child, however, I didn’t think about the consequences of
by Sonya Haskins
Some games are great one-time experiences, and then there are those that you could play for hours and occupy your mind contemplating strategy even when you have to step away for a while. Impulse Gear’s Larcenauts is an engaging hero shooter that rather quietly arrived on the VR scene
by Sonya Haskins
With their sense of adventure and potential danger just over the next hill, winter sports like snow skiing or snowboarding have always appealed to me, but as I’m not a fan of cold weather my enjoyment of these sports has come vicariously through spectating. I hoped Terje Håkonsen’s
by Sonya Haskins
I greatly enjoy history and like many others, I’ve always been fascinated with the story of lost worlds so I was excited to review Ryte: The Eye of Atlantis. Inspired by stories of ancient Greece, this VR puzzle game takes players through outdoor markets and sacred temples. The experience
by Sonya Haskins