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Silas Curren

Number of Articles 2
Silas Curren's Work 2 Articles
Reviews   -   Sep 01, 2018 Unleash the virtual dogs of war — Brass Tactics Oculus Rift VR review
Unleash the virtual dogs of war — Brass Tactics Oculus Rift VR review

You have played this game before in many different incarnations. You are the underdog fighting against the mighty powers that be one step at a time on your path to right a great wrong committed against your family in the past. For anyone who has played RTS games, the mechanics

by Silas Curren
Reviews   -   Dec 22, 2015 Elite Dangerous Horizons review — we’ll see you planet side
Elite Dangerous Horizons review — we’ll see you planet side

Though enjoying it greatly, Elite Dangerous has sat in my backlog for some time. A mixture of work and school have kept me from exploring its vast expanses of space any more, but with the release of the Horizons expansion, I found the perfect excuse to get down and actually

by Silas Curren
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