Sarah Marchant

Like many others in my generation, clowns have always kind-of given me the creeps. What else could be hiding behind that garish clothing and makeup besides horrible secrets? However, even in spite of his ghastly appearance and troubled past, I’ll be damned if Dropsy isn’t the most lovable
by Sarah Marchant
Have you ever really wanted to like a game, but there was that nagging something holding you back from fully endorsing it? Conceptually it’s amazing, but it has that one fatal flaw that brings it down? That’s the way I feel about Jotun. Jotun is a top-down action-exploration
by Sarah Marchant
After the resounding success of Amnesia: The Dark Descent, fans have been waiting with bated breath to see what Frictional Games will come up with next. SOMA, their most recent survival horror title, is a step in a different direction that is both refreshing and utterly unnerving. Unlike the Amnesia
by Sarah Marchant
I will admit, my first impression of this game, and thus of the AR-K series in general, was not very favorable. I haven’t played the first two episodes, so in the interest of fairness, I did some article-reading and YouTube-watching to learn more about them before I could feel
by Sarah Marchant
If you’re a fan of point-and-click games, but you also enjoy classic noir films, then Calvino Noir may already have you drooling a little. In this sidescroller, you play as Wilt, a scrambler who takes on clients with operations that require stealth. While he is able to take down
by Sarah Marchant
Dead in Bermuda bills itself as a survival management game with adventure and RPG elements, which is a decent start at trying to describe just what it is. If you ask me, I’d call it a mashup of Oregon Trail, The Sims, tabletop games like D&D or
by Sarah Marchant
Upon first hearing about Master Spy, it all sounds great: retro style, an intriguing story told through cinematic cutscenes, an original soundtrack. Then you see that it is described as a stealth-based precision platformer. Depending on who you are, this will either catch your interest or turn you off immediately,
by Sarah Marchant
It’s nearly three o’clock in the morning, and the party next door is in full swing. Music is blaring, the punch bowl is bottomless, and costumed hooligans are milling about in the front yard. You can barely contain your anger as you don a white mask and stuff
by Sarah Marchant