Ron Burke
Ron Burke is the Editor in Chief for Gaming Trend. Loves RPGs, action/adventure, and VR, but also dabbles in 3D printing, martial arts, and flight!

I’ve been reviewing Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader – Void Shadows, the expansion to the absolutely INCREDIBLE Rogue Trader, but…I just don’t know where to stop. Frankly, I could spend the rest of the entire year playing it continuously and still not even scratch the surface of everything here.
by Ron Burke
From all the way back to the Atari 2600, where two blocks danced around the ring, to the halcyon days of the various Fight Night titles, Creed: Rise to Glory in VR, and Punch-Out for NES, SNES, and Switch, we’ve been chasing the sweet science, waiting for the game
by Ron Burke
Before we kick this review off, please be aware that I will be directly addressing the ending of the base game. Tread carefully if you’ve not completed the base game. The world of Sanctuary is a broken one. Lilith, the daughter of Mephisto, returned with an intent to reclaim
by Ron Burke
Everspace 2 is an excellent game through and through. As you can read in my review, I enjoyed the story, finding it to be far deeper than expected and expansive at over 30 hours of bespoke universe to explore. The music is pure fire, the combat is challenging, gear progression
by Ron Burke
I love virtual reality. I have over a dozen headsets ranging from early prototypes to the most recent models (minus Apple’s headset – seriously, stop with whatever that’s supposed to be) and I’m always excited to see what’s new in the virtual world. I’ve invested in
by Ron Burke
Did you feel that? It’s as if all of the world’s productivity suddenly stopped, all at once. People stopped yelling at once another online about this or that, instead taking a moment to download a seemingly innocuous game to their mobile phone. What’s this little game that
by Ron Burke
It’s hard to believe I’m saying this, but Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 is right around the corner. As part of their ongoing series (which we’ve been covering with great interest), Paradox and The Chinese Room has showcased a new Dev Diary, this time giving us a
by Ron Burke
“What in the world do I need with a toolbox?” I asked my wife. She’s the mechanically inclined one in our family, so our tool purchases are absolutely her choice, not mine. When I looked at the Blackzero tool set I thought to myself that I just wouldn’t
by Ron Burke