Ron Burke
Ron Burke is the Editor in Chief for Gaming Trend. Loves RPGs, action/adventure, and VR, but also dabbles in 3D printing, martial arts, and flight!

I love city builders. I’ve spent plenty of time shaping waterways and building environmentally friendly sustainable housing, only to destroy it when boredom sets in. Taking a fledgling city, or even a greenfield patch of land and turning it into a massive metropolis is rewarding. So…what if we
by Ron Burke
It’s not wrong to want better for your people. You spend tons of money on research, and with the income from your cancer-busting crop, Vivero, you can change the lives of your fellow Yarans. So why do your people resist? Sure, some folks are forced to live as slaves,
by Ron Burke
Welcome back, Ghosts. Recently I got to take a brief look at the next project in the Ghost Recon universe, entitled Ghost Recon: Frontline. In active development at Ubisoft Bucharest, the game is breaking into the massive multiplayer world, with maps supporting over 100 players. A blend of quite a
by Ron Burke
Being a peasant sucks. There are some real opportunities afforded to a peasant, though. You can starve to death, freeze to death, die of dehydration, be poisoned by improperly prepared food, be eaten by wolves, mauled by bears — the choices are endless! Just surviving for a year is a challenge.
by Ron Burke
Diablo II released to critical acclaim in the year 2000, with fans embracing the isometric looter wholeheartedly. The Lord of Destruction expansion pack released a year later amped the 8-player craziness to a new level, adding two more classes in the Assassin and Druid, a vastly expanded stash, a fresh
by Ron Burke
There are a LOT of gaming chairs that have a very similar look. You know exactly what I’m talking about — the plush flared back seats with the two holes punched in it at the top, the solid seat with the bright colors, and the raise and lower mechanisms. It’
by Ron Burke
When I saw Starbuck flip her Viper 180 degrees, invert, and unleash a barrage of HE rounds at an incoming Cylon fighter, I was completely hooked on Battlestar Galactica. The show was very much focused on the struggle of humanity against their robotic oppressors, but I relished every moment the
by Ron Burke
In the Mechwarrior universe there are some pivotal moments that changed history for the entire Inner Sphere. If you aren’t a lore junkie, when House Davion’s Prince Hanse Davion and House Steiner’s Archon Melissa Steiner joined in marriage, Hanse offered Melissa the entire Capellan Federation as a
by Ron Burke