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Ron Burke

Ron Burke is the Editor in Chief for Gaming Trend. Loves RPGs, action/adventure, and VR, but also dabbles in 3D printing, martial arts, and flight!

Location Texas
Number of Articles 1356
Ron Burke's Work 1356 Articles
Previews   -   Sep 04, 2023 ELO Vagabond Kickstarter Looks to Turn Your Smartphone Into A Gaming Console
ELO Vagabond Kickstarter Looks to Turn Your Smartphone Into A Gaming Console

If there’s a theme of the last two years it’s that mobility is king. People want to take what they’ve bought on the road, and they want to play where they want to play and not be tied down to a console at home. Valve agrees, giving

by Ron Burke
Previews   -   Sep 03, 2023 The Talos Principle II Preview — Bending minds in new ways
The Talos Principle II Preview — Bending minds in new ways

The Talos Principle was unique. A puzzle game, and easily one of the best of its genre, it tells the story of humanity, or more accurately its demise. Awakening on a strange island with the voice of someone calling themselves Elohim scratching around in its head, the player has to

by Ron Burke
Reviews   -   Aug 27, 2023 Flexispot Comhar Q8 Standing Desk review — Helping Hip Pain Through Standing
Flexispot Comhar Q8 Standing Desk review — Helping Hip Pain Through Standing

There’s no candy coating it, so I’m going to level with all of you – I have Stage 4 arthritis with a labrum tear in my left hip, and my right hip isn’t much better. I picked up the beginnings of this injury while I was in the

by Ron Burke
Previews   -   Aug 25, 2023 Let’s Play Icarus: New Frontiers DLC with the RocketWerkz team!
Let’s Play Icarus: New Frontiers DLC with the RocketWerkz team!

We got the golden opportunity to team up with RocketWerkz to check out the launch of Icarus: New Frontiers — the newest expansion to Icarus.  This newest expansion has over 100 new items, fresh missions, creatures, crafting materials, and so much more, including a brand new biome.  Laura and I jumped

by Ron Burke
Previews   -   Aug 25, 2023 Homeworld 3 Introduces War Games Mode — a Cooperative Reinvention for the Series
Homeworld 3 Introduces War Games Mode — a Cooperative Reinvention for the Series

The Homeworld universe has occupied a serious amount of space in my head for some time. The first game was magnificent, taking the RTS genre in a completely new direction by giving players a fresh way to engage the enemy — in 360 degrees. The sequel introduced dynamic difficulty levels with

by Ron Burke
Previews   -   Aug 23, 2023 Space Marine 2 Hands-On Preview — Vicera-soaked Violence, Now With Friends!
Space Marine 2 Hands-On Preview — Vicera-soaked Violence, Now With Friends!

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine is one of those games that I never expected to see a sequel. It’s been 12 years since the game launched on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3, and my hope had begun to wane. I’m lucky my lack of faith didn’t land

by Ron Burke
Reviews   -   Aug 23, 2023 Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon review — Live, Die, Repeat
Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon review — Live, Die, Repeat

Countless wars have blighted the history of humanity. Scarcity has always been a source of conflict, and Coral could have been the spark that humanity needs to put it on a path towards unlimited energy. That is, until the Fires of Ibis – a cataclysmic event that engulfed an entire star

by Ron Burke
Previews   -   Aug 23, 2023 The 7th Guest VR hands-on preview — A Virtual Reinvention of a Classic
The 7th Guest VR hands-on preview — A Virtual Reinvention of a Classic

The 7th Guest is a tentpole for the start of the CD-ROM era, giving players an interactive horror story that unfolds in a mansion full of ghosts. The player has suffered some sort of trauma and has lost their memory, waking up on the shore outside. The key to bringing

by Ron Burke
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