Ron Burke
Ron Burke is the Editor in Chief for Gaming Trend. Loves RPGs, action/adventure, and VR, but also dabbles in 3D printing, martial arts, and flight!

I feel like there isn’t a person left on the planet that hasn’t seen Mean Girls, but that might just be my bias. It’s a guilty pleasure of mine, and I’m not too proud to say it as a 46 year old dude. It’s a
by Ron Burke
It’s hard to believe that it’s been 30 years since Brandon Lee brought Eric Drayven to life in the cult classic The Crow. It’s also been 30 years since his life was tragically cut short, so I never expected that Paramount would ever bring this movie back
by Ron Burke
Mavix has become one of my go-to companies for high quality and comfortable chairs. Sure, most of their chairs don’t have the “gamer” look, but frankly, very few companies are able to offer much on that front anyway. Entirely too many companies make chairs that have the gamer look,
by Ron Burke
I’m old enough to remember when force feedback was mostly vibration and the occasional kick in one direction or another. Microsoft made mech combat better with a force feedback joystick called the Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro, and then followed with a racing wheel, the Sidewinder Force Feedback Wheel, both
by Ron Burke
Let’s get the first thing out of the way – this game is not Suikoden (which directly translates to Fantasy Water Margin, if you’re curious about the title). That said, there’s so much DNA in common with that incredible series that it’s hard to ignore all the
by Ron Burke
This time last year I had an absolutely mind-blowing opportunity to unbox my childhood, literally. Robosen built an incredible transforming Optimus Prime robot, and it melted my brain with just how cool it was. Unboxing the Robosen Elite Optimus Prime -- I unboxed my childhood!! [Gaming Trend] Watch this video
by Ron Burke
Holly Hudspeth, or resident Elder Scrolls Online addict, has been playing the game since the beta. She’s also reviewed every expansion since launch, having spent hundreds if not thousands of hours in Cyrodiil. She’s also remarkably difficult to shop for…but I think I just found a must-have
by Ron Burke
Wow did we get more than we bargained for with Amazon Studio’s new Fallout series. We did an extensive writeup on all eight episodes, and even interviewed some of the stars of the show and the showrunners and creators. It’s been a whirlwind, but there are a handful
by Ron Burke