Nick South

Admittedly, I dismissed Fastrack when I first saw it, though I can hardly be faulted. Relegated to the game section of a craft store to entertain my children while my wife shopped, I noticed a display copy of Fastrack on a table with some other games. My children bounced from
by Nick South
I’ve always found it interesting to see how much Viking culture for a millennia ago still resonates with today. There are days of the week named after Viking gods, Viking culture heavily influences fantasy literature, such as J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, and Viking gods
by Nick South
When I’m doing a review, I do a lot more than rush through the rules and play the game. I like to think about what I just played and discover what makes the game work or what kept it from being a great title. As you would imagine, my
by Nick South
When I first reviewed PWNs a couple of months ago, it was safe to say that it had earned a place in my Pantheon of worst games ever. The general concept of the game was good, which remains moving South Park lookalikes around on a board to attach each other,
by Nick South
Steampunk, that amalgamation of Victorian-era charm and science fiction concepts inspired by the likes of Jules Verne, produces a certain romanticism. Steam-powered machines and lighter-than-air vehicles are a staple of the genre. Kosmos’ Steam Time uses steampunk as a backdrop for an elaborate worker placement adventure through time. Two to
by Nick South
If there’s a genre where board gaming still takes a backseat to digital platforms, it’s in the world of sports games. While I’d much rather play a game of Second Season Football to Madden any day, board gaming will never be able to simulate all the working
by Nick South
Those familiar with Word War II know about Germany’s infamous U-boats and their relentless attacks against Allied shipping in the Atlantic Ocean. What’s not as well known is the underwater warfare in the Pacific and the American’s use of submarines to disrupt Japanese shipping. Consim Press follows
by Nick South
If college taught me anything, I learned there are two types of people in this world. There are ones that buy cheap beer and there are ones that yearn for something more. I definitely fell into the latter group, choosing to spend my money on a few great brews rather
by Nick South