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Nick South

Number of Articles 72
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A Kay Purcell 317 Articles
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Nick South's Work 72 Articles
Reviews   -   Sep 18, 2017 Medieval Treasure: War of Kings Review
Medieval Treasure: War of Kings Review

With so many games being released each year, it’s easy for an indie title to fly under the radar. You’d be forgiven for missing RAINN Studios’ War of Kings when it Kickstarted back in 2014. It earned a modest $46,000 and change then, but three years later,

by Nick South
Reviews   -   Aug 21, 2017 Face the Peril: Sword & Sorcery Review
Face the Peril: Sword & Sorcery Review

There was a time where an adventure through a murky landscape to find great treasure was restricted to a story born from a book, a die, and your own imagination. Today’s adventures now come to life with detailed miniatures, a plethora of components, and deep characters, but the essence

by Nick South
Reviews   -   Jul 24, 2017 Fortune and Glory: The Lost Expedition Review
Fortune and Glory: The Lost Expedition Review

Nearly 100 years ago, famed British explorer Percy Fawcett set out into the Amazon rainforest in search of the city of Z, Fawcett’s name for the ruins of the mythical El Dorado, and was never heard from again. Many went in search of Fawcett’s lost expedition to no

by Nick South
Reviews   -   Jul 14, 2017 The Tarnished Age: CVlizations Review
The Tarnished Age: CVlizations Review

It can be a challenge for game designers to make a short civilization game. A great civilization game makes you feel like you accomplished something, whether that be conquering your foes or building a magnificent empire. However, that can be hard to achieve in under an hour and requires a

by Nick South
Reviews   -   Jul 06, 2017 Movin’ On Up: New York 1901 Review
Movin’ On Up: New York 1901 Review

Visit any major city, and you can marvel at impressive buildings that stretch up to the clouds. At the turn of the last century, these superstructures were in their infancy. Around 1900, New York City’s skyline started growing up rather than out, and the result was more than just

by Nick South
Reviews   -   Jun 26, 2017 More Than Meets the Eye: Dungeon Time Review
More Than Meets the Eye: Dungeon Time Review

It’s impossible to understate the popularity of card games. For a medium that has been around for hundreds of years, it’s amazing to see the versatility a deck of cards can have; it proves the creativity that can be unleashed with the right combination of cards and imagination.

by Nick South
Reviews   -   Jun 13, 2017 Boggle the Mind: Wordoku Review
Boggle the Mind: Wordoku Review

Before apps came along to waste away our free time, Sudoku was a favorite among those that liked a little game break in their day. Its speed and scaled difficulty made the game immensely popular to the point that it rivaled the crossword as the ultimate time filler. The interesting

by Nick South
Reviews   -   Jun 02, 2017 A Magnificent Realm: Kingdomino Review
A Magnificent Realm: Kingdomino Review

Dominoes has been popular across the globe for centuries. While the depth of Go and Chess have made them timeless, it’s the simplicity and versatility of dominoes that has made it an endearing classic. Many variations of the game exist, and Blue Orange’s Kingdomino is the latest to

by Nick South
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