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Nick Dubs

Nick plays and reviews board games to kill time while it cultivates the requisite mystique to become a cryptid that warns small towns of impending doom.

Number of Articles 103
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Previews   -   Jan 04, 2024 Molly House PAXU Preview — My excitement won’t be mollified
Molly House PAXU Preview — My excitement won’t be mollified

To be perfectly honest, I don’t know how best to classify Molly House, Wherlegig’s latest cardboard masterpiece. I feel like I’m describing the subgenre of my favorite drummer’s metal side project; it’s an interactive queer history exhibit/ artwork crossed with a snappy semi cooperative board

by Nick Dubs
Reviews   -   Nov 10, 2023 Big Boss review — More like boredroom
Big Boss review — More like boredroom

Playing Big Boss for review has been the board game version of going to colonial Williamsburg or any other historical reenactment. I’ve been helping Mike get plays of the Renegade reprint of its ancestor Acquire in for review, so I’ve gotten to really play around with early economic

by Nick Dubs
Reviews   -   Nov 10, 2023 Micro Dojo review— Honey, I shrunk the game
Micro Dojo review— Honey, I shrunk the game

Say what you will about crowdfunding, it has really helped drag board game production out of the stone age of beige spreadsheets into something that looks professional and doesn’t immediately turn off all but the most German passerby. Nowadays, games typically aim for an impeccable presentation in order to

by Nick Dubs
Reviews   -   Nov 10, 2023 La Famiglia review — The family disappoints me for once
La Famiglia review — The family disappoints me for once

On paper, La Famiglia has all the makings for a home run. Just looking at the companies involved, it’s another Feuerland/ Capstone import, the combo that brought us the obscenely good Ark Nova. Mechanics wise, it’s an asymmetric team-based worker placement and area control hybrid, with hidden order

by Nick Dubs
Reviews   -   Sep 15, 2023 Terra Nova review— Addition by subtraction
Terra Nova review— Addition by subtraction

In many ways, Terra Mystica is the quintessence of a middle-heavyweight eurogame from back when they were becoming more mainstream in the hobby. It’s got a lot going for it, but true to the time, there’s a fair amount of bloat in terms of both mechanics and complexity.

by Nick Dubs
Reviews   -   May 26, 2023 Marvel: Damage Control review — Decks are dead, long live piles
Marvel: Damage Control review —  Decks are dead, long live piles

I’m pretty over pure deck builders. I’ve been playing them since the OGs Dominion, Ascension, and Thunderstone came out in the late 2000’s, and as a result, I’ve developed an instinct for how to play them optimally. With the majority of deck building innovation integrating it

by Nick Dubs
Reviews   -   May 26, 2023 Iki review — Get in loser, we’re going shopping
Iki review — Get in loser, we’re going shopping

Recently, I started watching The Wire for the first time. I know, I should have watched it forever ago, but it was just one of those things that everyone kept telling me was great but I never got around to. Honestly, I think that because it’s more about the

by Nick Dubs
Reviews   -   May 01, 2023 We’re Doomed! review— Exactly what it says on the tin
We’re Doomed! review— Exactly what it says on the tin

I’m really not a fan of co-op games. There are a couple exceptions, like Gloomhaven and The Crew, but they are few and far between. Being forced to work together to solve a game always feels artificial and boring to me, and they trend towards either being easily solved

by Nick Dubs
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