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Nick Dubs

Nick plays and reviews board games to kill time while it cultivates the requisite mystique to become a cryptid that warns small towns of impending doom.

Number of Articles 103
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Reviews   -   Jun 02, 2024 Match of the Century review— Make me a match
Match of the Century review— Make me a match

I could never really nail down the complete game of chess. The early and mid game, when the board still has a reasonable count of pieces and options are somewhat limited, I can reason out how to navigate exchanges in my favor. But I always fall apart in the late

by Nick Dubs
Reviews   -   May 03, 2024 Unsolved Case Files:Jane Doe review — Plain Jane
Unsolved Case Files:Jane Doe review — Plain Jane

There’s a ritual I undergo before I play a mystery game. You need the proper weather- some sort of gloom, a reason you’re stuck inside. Brew your heated caffeinated beverage of choice, clear off your coffee table, grab some paper to take notes on, and you’re ready.

by Nick Dubs
Reviews   -   May 03, 2024 Kapow! Volume 1 review— Zip! bop! wham! etc!
Kapow! Volume 1 review— Zip! bop! wham! etc!

There’s a famous Splotter saying that’s been paraphrased to if you can’t lose a game on the first turn, why do you have it? Well, deck building games have been struggling with that question all hulked out on gamma rays. Ever since Dominion, the first several rounds

by Nick Dubs
Reviews   -   May 02, 2024 Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs review — Cute as a button, sharp as a tack
Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs review — Cute as a button, sharp as a tack

As much as I’ve enjoyed Gloomhaven (I’m currently going through another campaign with a few friends that never got to play an initial one), I never got around to playing the fan made solo print-and-play Gloomholdin’. One of my many failures, I know. Obviously someone at Cephalofair did,

by Nick Dubs
Reviews   -   Apr 26, 2024 Spicy review— Fascinated by this shiny BS
Spicy review— Fascinated by this shiny BS

After falling in love with Kutnà Hora and now developing a deep appreciation for Spicy, it has come to my attention that I am, in fact, a corvid of some kind and am absolutely fascinated by shiny things. At first I was unimpressed by a $15 deck of cards that

by Nick Dubs
Reviews   -   Apr 24, 2024 My Shelfie review — Don’t be a square, put the squares in the square
My Shelfie review — Don’t be a square, put the squares in the square

As much as my collection has exploded since I started reviewing and didn’t stop buying my own games, there’s been a niche I haven’t quite filled to my satisfaction. I’ve been trying to find a conversation game- something that’s light enough that my family can

by Nick Dubs
Reviews   -   Apr 05, 2024 Tribes of the Wind review —Nausicaä of the valley of the windriders
Tribes of the Wind review —Nausicaä of the valley of the windriders

Rebuilding civilization after its collapse has become a popular theme in board games recently, and it makes sense that climate anxiety has finally taken ahold of the of the collective consciousness- as I write this review, it’s snowing in the mountain town I live in and a wildfire has

by Nick Dubs
Reviews   -   Apr 05, 2024 Virtual Revolution review — Servers temporarily offline
Virtual Revolution review — Servers temporarily offline

Have you ever picked up a weird indie game as part of a humble bundle, gotten around to playing it, and been oddly impressed? I’m not going to try to find the German compound word I’m sure exists, but your mind isn’t blown, and you’re probably

by Nick Dubs
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