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Michael Eyre

Number of Articles 22
Michael Eyre's Work 22 Articles
Reviews   -   Dec 18, 2014 Swords to the Wind! Villainous Vikings, 2nd Edition
Swords to the Wind! Villainous Vikings, 2nd Edition

Victory Point Games has impressed me again. Following the release of Villainous Vikings in August, and the subsequent series of negative reviews which fell like hammers, VPG suspended release of the game. And then they fixed it. I have never heard of a game company pulling a release so quickly,

by Michael Eyre
Reviews   -   Dec 08, 2014 Daimyos and Dice: Age of War
Daimyos and Dice: Age of War

I’m a sucker for Japanese-themed strategy games. Shogun, of Gamemaster series acclaim, now more commonly known as Samurai Swords or Ikusa, is one of the great strategy board games of all time. I love Total War: Shogun 2, and I’m even involved in a RPG-by blog based in

by Michael Eyre
Reviews   -   Oct 01, 2014 Something Deeper: Abyss
Something Deeper: Abyss

Somewhere in the deepest inaccessible depths where no light from the sun has ever reached, rests the Kingdom of Abyss. Players vie for influence, explore incredible locations, fight ancient monsters, and court the lords of the deep in their quest to claim the throne. Abyss first appears wholly original, foreign

by Michael Eyre
Reviews   -   Aug 26, 2014 Hail and Kill! Villainous Vikings
Hail and Kill! Villainous Vikings

Having recently reviewed Victory Point Games’ The South Shall Rise Again, I had high expectations for their latest release, Villainous Vikings. In the tradition of a Euro-style historical strategy game, it appears to be thoroughly researched, allowing players to choose from eight legendary figures including Ragnar, the warrior, Lagertha, the

by Michael Eyre
Reviews   -   Jul 10, 2014 Damn Yankees! The South Shall Rise Again
Damn Yankees! The South Shall Rise Again

You’re reading this review for one of three reasons: 1) You like zombie games and want to see what this affordable entry in the genre is all about. 2) You’ve played or heard good things about other offerings by Victory Point Games. 3) My generous rating for this

by Michael Eyre
Reviews   -   Jul 07, 2014 A Song of War — A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, 2nd Edition
A Song of War — A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, 2nd Edition

As a late-thirty something, I grew up when strategy board gaming reached its zenith of popularity and execution. Diplomacy remains the gold standard for hardcore paranoia for serious hobbyists with an axe to grind and a weekend to burn. Risk and its more complicated younger brother Axis & Allies still

by Michael Eyre
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