Marvel Dice Throne is a standalone expansion to the popular Dice Throne franchise that brings fan favorite Marvel heroes and villains into...
As a father, I am always on the lookout for games I can introduce to my kids so I jumped at the...
When you go into your local big box store and walk over to the tabletop game section, the options have improved dramatically...
2022 was an amazing year for Gaming Trend’s tabletop team: We more than doubled our crew, reviewed more tabletop games than any...
Hello and welcome to the first edition of the “Does it Solo?” series. If you found your way here and have no...
Khora Rise of an Empire from Iello came out in 2021 under the Iello “Expert” line. While I am aware companies can...
Here we go. Yet another skirmish board game. You’d have to be pretty crazy or pretty confident to wade into the tabletop...
Dune: Spice Wars is the latest offering from developer Shiro Games and is currently in Early Access on Steam. If you are...
Levitate the rocks, light the lightsabers, and break out the blue milk- it’s May the 4th – Star Wars Day- once again!...
Echoes, from Ravensburger, is a series of auditory mysteries that allow you to put on your detective hat and test if you...
World of Tanks the miniatures game attempts to bring the mega popular PC game of the same name to the tabletop. Players...
Abstract two player games are a dime a dozen but every once in a while one comes along that somehow recaptures the...
You maneuver your trireme through dangerous whirlpools, dodge deadly hydras, and pick up a few god powers as you attempt to beat...
Cubes. Tiny, colored, wooden cubes. Fans of euro games are already shaking with excitement, but there is quite a bit more to...
Light weight games MazeScape Did you love Monument Valley but drain your phone battery playing it? Both MazeScape offerings – Labrynthos and...
With the Transformers Deck Building Game, the folks over at Renegade set out to bring something fresh to the oversaturated deck building...
Oceans is the spiritual sequel to Northstar’s hit Evolution series. The Evolution core mechanics of creating quirky creatures, evolving them, and competing...