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Keith Schleicher

Number of Articles 220
Keith Schleicher's Work 220 Articles
Interviews   -   Aug 04, 2020 Crazy Eights — Brady Sadler on Contra: The Board Game
Crazy Eights — Brady Sadler on Contra: The Board Game

One of the most popular games that came out for the Nintendo Entertainment System was Contra.  For those who know the Konami Code, it’s the game that they probably learned it from, and you definitely needed to put in the code to get all those extra lives to complete

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   May 05, 2020 Crazy Eights: Dwight Cenac II on High Noon
Crazy Eights: Dwight Cenac II on High Noon

While Western Legends became a hit when it went to Kickstarter, it was an open world game. You could fight other players, but the conclusion was based on playing cards. High Noon is a new Western game that takes a different approach to the western genre. Simulating the tactics of

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Nov 04, 2019 Crazy Eights — Getting the dirty on the League of Infamy with Sophie Williams
Crazy Eights — Getting the dirty on the League of Infamy with Sophie Williams

Mantic is known for their miniatures games, from their Walking Dead skirmish games to Deadzone and Hellboy The Board Game. They also have the Kings of War universe that Dungeon Saga is set in. Now Mantic is turning the dungeon crawl genre on its head with League of Infamy, which

by Keith Schleicher
Reviews   -   Oct 29, 2019 The best way to carry your board games — GeekOn! Ultimate Boardgame Backpack review
The best way to carry your board games — GeekOn! Ultimate Boardgame Backpack review

I love my wife. When she gives gifts, she always considers the interests of the person she is getting the gift for. One year for Christmas she gave me a personalized beach bag. I admit I was a bit confused by the gift, but she told me that she thought

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Oct 17, 2019 Crazy Eights — Getting the low down on Zombicide Second Edition
Crazy Eights — Getting the low down on Zombicide Second Edition

It’s hard to believe that Zombicide raised over $750K in 2012. Zombicide could be the board game that made Kickstarter a viable platform for funding board games. Since then, board games have become a huge category on Kickstarter. Since then several Zombicide games have funded on Kickstarter with sci-fi

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Oct 02, 2019 Crazy Eights — Az Drummond on Time of Legends: Joan of Arc 1.5
Crazy Eights — Az Drummond on Time of Legends: Joan of Arc 1.5

Mythic created a hit with Time of Legends: Joan of Arc.  With an underutilized setting and multiple ways to play the game, it’s not hard to see how this miniatures game became a big hit.  Now Mythic Games is funding a “1.5” version of Joan of Arc on

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Sep 19, 2019 Super Fantasy Brawl brings fast-paced arena combat to the table
Super Fantasy Brawl brings fast-paced arena combat to the table

Mythic Games knows how to make miniatures games.  They have had several successful Kickstarter campaigns including Solomon Kane, Reichbusters, and Joan of Arc.  They are entering new territory with Super Fantasy Brawl, a fast-paced arena strategy brawler.  The game comes with fantastic looking figures, but it includes variety in which

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Sep 17, 2019 Crazy Eights: Rob Dougherty on Epic Card Game Jungle, Duels, and Lost Tribe
Crazy Eights: Rob Dougherty on Epic Card Game Jungle, Duels, and Lost Tribe

White Wizard Games made a name for themselves with Star Realms.  After that they released another card game in a small box, Epic.  Epic was a new take on Magic: The Gathering style game, but with each card playable every turn players didn’t have to worry about mana screw.

by Keith Schleicher
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