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Keith Schleicher

Number of Articles 220
Keith Schleicher's Work 220 Articles
Interviews   -   Sep 29, 2016 Crazy Eights: Jeff Allers on Skyways
Crazy Eights: Jeff Allers on Skyways

When you look at board games, most of the time you try to spread out on the board.  What if you had a game that wanted you to extend your pieces up?  Soon you’ll get your chance with Skyways coming up on Kickstarter.  I asked Jeff Allers, the designer

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Sep 27, 2016 Crazy Eights: Mike Selinker on Thornwatch
Crazy Eights: Mike Selinker on Thornwatch

Thornwatch is an amalgamation of two huge forces in the gaming arena.  While the Penny Arcade guys might be more well known for their comics and love of video games, they definitely know their board games and RPGs.  They’ve teamed up with Lone Shark Games to create the game

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Sep 14, 2016 Crazy Eights: Chris Birch from Modiphius on Siege of the Citadel
Crazy Eights: Chris Birch from Modiphius on Siege of the Citadel

Modiphius had a great Kickstarter campaign with the Third Edition of the Mutant Chronicles RPG.  Recently they went in a new direction with this IP by launching a Kickstarter to reprint Siege of the Citadel.  The game looks great, has several big names behind its development, and has a unique

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Aug 24, 2016 Crazy Eights: Sandy Petersen on Glorantha: The Gods War
Crazy Eights: Sandy Petersen on Glorantha: The Gods War

Sandy Petersen has a successful board game with big ideas and even bigger figures.  If you have witnessed Cthulhu Wars in person, then you have seen the incredible size and detail of the playing pieces.  Now he has Glorantha: The Gods War up on Kickstarter.  At first blush the games

by Keith Schleicher
Reviews   -   Jul 13, 2016 Card fight: Duelyst Review
Card fight: Duelyst Review

A tried and true method of battle is to line up two forces against each other. Sometimes this is handled by lining both sides up and each character going in order, the way several JRPGs handle it. Other times the forces are placed on some battleground made of squares or

by Keith Schleicher
Reviews   -   Jun 27, 2016 Flipping over combat: Runebound Review
Flipping over combat: Runebound Review

Creating a new edition of a classic game can be a tricky proposition. If the designer sticks too close to the formula, then reviews might say that nothing new came and the game lacks creativity. If the designer changes too much, purists will scream to the highest hill of board

by Keith Schleicher
Reviews   -   Jun 23, 2016 The Dice Locker: FUSE Review
The Dice Locker: FUSE Review

Sometimes a game comes along and looks so simple that it won’t be that interesting. Rolling dice can be a lot of fun, but it takes the right mechanic to keep it interesting for the long term. When I first saw FUSE, I thought that it would be a

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   May 26, 2016 Crazy Eights: Antonio Scaccino on Dreamwars
Crazy Eights: Antonio Scaccino on Dreamwars

One of the benefits of Kickstarter has been the creativity that has come out of it.  While certain series have benefited from their previous jaunts on the site, a great number of new ideas have come out.  Dreamwars is a game currently on Kickstarter looks like it has many familiar

by Keith Schleicher
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