I remember seeing BattleLore when Days of Wonder released it. It looked like an intimidating game, with fantasy characters battling across hex-based...
While Magic may be the most popular CCG available, The Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) has been a popular contender for...
You can’t deny the influence Pandemic has had on the board game community. It came out with a second edition to sell...
It isn’t surprising that people are using crowdfunding pages to self-publish games. Getting noticed by a publisher is tough, and with the...
One of the chores assigned to me at home is taking out the trash. It’s not a fun job, especially when animals...
While I do enjoy all sorts of dungeon crawls, most of them are about killing monsters and don’t have much of a back...
Ticket to Ride is not only my go to gateway game, but it is probably one of my favorite games. The strategies...
When Mage Knight was released, the game was praised for its gameplay, but some were surprised that it was set in the...
It’s not uncommon to see digital implementations of board games and vice versa, but the tower defense game hasn’t been explored very...
One of the traits of the Pathfinder system is known for being able to take multiple classes and mix them together. Right...
With the advent of tablets and phones with larger sized screens, it’s not surprising that many board games have crossed over to...
If you haven’t heard of Wattsalpoag Games, I wouldn’t be surprised. They don’t have big budget that companies like Asmodee and Iello...
The Cryptozoic booth was busy at Origins, and with good reason. They brought their new game Spyfall to the show, and they...
If you’ve played board games, then you probably know about the dreaded “roll and move” game where luck determines who the winner...
Gamelyn Games is known for putting big experiences in small boxes, as has been seen by their Tiny Epic games. Now they...
For a while, westerns were one of the most popular genres on television. Gunsmoke, Maverick, The Lone Ranger, and Bohnanza were an...
These days it’s easy for a game to have a zombie, sci-fi, or fantasy theme. While there is a bigger mix of...
Kosmos has been publishing games for a long time, but you might not recognize them. Most of their games have been published...
At one time to get a full RPG experience you needed to be sitting in front of a TV with a console...
MVP Boardgames designs board games and then publishes them through established publishers. I got to take a look at their recent Kickstarter...
WizKids has had a string of hits, with the Attack Wing series and Dicemasters. However, they are more than just those two...
I was amazed when Arcane Wonders came onto the scene. I remember seeing them at GenCon before Mage Wars was released. They...
Steampunk, zombies, and treasure, oh my! Steve Jackson Games has a wide variety of games, from fillers to strategy. They recently announced their...
Last week at the Origins Game Fair we got the chance the talk with Nick Bentley from North Star Games about Evolution...
Fluxx is a game of constant change. If you don’t like a rule, you can change it with the play of a...
Creating a new game and publishing it yourself can be a challenging endeavor. However, more and more people are doing it with...
Wizards of the Coast has been doing a great job with creating a theme to tie their campaigns together. The current set...
Mike Selinker is a major developer in the board game world. His most recent large success is the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game...
At first it seemed he DiceMasters games would focus on the Marvel properties, with Avengers and the X-Men taking center stage. Since then, we have...
The X-Men have been a popular license with a comic, books, cartoons, video games, and movies. While there have been a few games...
Ghostbusters: The Board Game had a hugely successful Kickstarter campaign. Considering the Ghostbusters haven’t had any original tv series or movies since The...