Keith Schleicher

Mike Selinker has had a huge career in the gaming, from writing for TSR and being creative director at Wizards of the Coast to designing games like the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Lords of Vegas, and Betrayal at House on the Hill. Since then Mike Selinker has had a couple
by Keith Schleicher
Privateer Press is known for their Warmachine and Hordes miniatures and their support of the community. Not only are they introducing a new faction, but they have created a board game that will use their miniatures on a much smaller scale. Watch the video above to find out more about
by Keith Schleicher
Wits and Wagers became a hit for North Star Games, so you would have thought that they would stick with party games. While they do publish a couple of party games, from out of nowhere they released Evolution. They have big things coming out with both of these games, though
by Keith Schleicher
WizKids has a large stable of Dice Masters products right now, but they are constantly updating their library with new games coming out. I got to check out two of their upcoming games at Origins, Deadline and Fantasy Realms.
by Keith Schleicher
Zombies get used as a mechanic in board games often. Last Night on Earth and Zombicide have become two popular game series using that as a theme, but Greenbrier Games came out with Zpocalypse before the zombies became overused. They have expanded their library and I was able to see
by Keith Schleicher
If you are a fan of anime, then you probably know about Japanime games. If nothing else, you can’t miss the art style used in their games. I stopped by their booth and found out about Alicematic, a reimplementation of Deus. Watch the video above to find out more and see what the differences are.
by Keith Schleicher
For a long time Arcane Wonders was known as the Mage Wars publisher, as that was the only thing that they published. Since then they have expanded to many other areas, including social deduction, bluffing, and abstract games. Their latest game is a unique take on Liar’s Dice called
by Keith Schleicher
Iello has been a powerhouse since King of Tokyo was released. Their library is varied with games both large and small. At Origins I met with Keith Meyers and talked to him about one of their bigger games, Arena: For the Gods, and a smaller game, Ninja Taisen.
by Keith Schleicher