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Keith Schleicher

Number of Articles 220
Keith Schleicher's Work 220 Articles
Interviews   -   Feb 19, 2018 Crazy Eights: John Clair answers questions on Edge of Darkness
Crazy Eights: John Clair answers questions on Edge of Darkness

In 2016 AEG introduced the concept of card crafting in Mystic Vale.  The deck-building concepts we had seen in other games were present.  However, as players received a card they would add it to a sleeve to create their own custom cards in their deck.  This created many more combinations

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Jan 17, 2018 Crazy Eights: Jared Miller from CMON answers questions about HATE
Crazy Eights: Jared Miller from CMON answers questions about HATE

CMON is known for having record-breaking Kickstarter board game campaigns with large minis and tons of stretch goals.  HATE is their most recent project and it also contains very mature content and a violent  post-apocalyptic setting.  CMON also stated that this would be exclusive to this Kickstarter campaign. To find

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Jan 08, 2018 Crazy Eights: James Wilson on Everdell
Crazy Eights: James Wilson on Everdell

Publishing a game from a new designer is often a risky proposition.  However, even Richard Garfield, Eric Lang, and Reiner Knizia had to start somewhere.  James Wilson’s first game is coming to Kickstarter with the assistance of the Game Salute spinoff Starling Games.  To find out more about Everdell,

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Dec 06, 2017 Crazy Eights: Rob Dougherty and Darwin Kastle answer questions about Sorcerer
Crazy Eights: Rob Dougherty and Darwin Kastle answer questions about Sorcerer

I still remember being lucky enough being asked to try out a prototype of a deck-building game one day before Origins at a hotel nearby.  That day I was introduced to Rob Dougherty and Star Realms.  I knew it would be special, but I had no idea how big it

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Dec 05, 2017 Crazy Eights: Jon Gilmour and the disappearing Dinosaur Island prototype
Crazy Eights: Jon Gilmour and the disappearing Dinosaur Island prototype

This year’s Gen Con was one of busiest ever since it was the 50th Anniversary and completely sold out for the entire show.  While most people are there to have a fun time, it’s unfortunate to say that some unscrupulous activities occurred.  One of those happened to Jon

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Nov 28, 2017 Crazy Eights: Jon Gilmour answers questions on Dinosaur Island
Crazy Eights: Jon Gilmour answers questions on Dinosaur Island

Dinosaurs have an amount of mystery to them, as no living human being has seen one for real.  Jurassic Park made us wonder what it would be like if they were still alive today and had a zoo full of them.  While the movie had an ominous plot, it’s

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Nov 10, 2017 Crazy Eights: Doug Hettrick on the superhero dice building game Kapow!
Crazy Eights: Doug Hettrick on the superhero dice building game Kapow!

At Origins a publisher wanted to make sure that I checked out a game that he was working on with a new designing group.  I was able to check it out and was impressed by it.  Basically you played two comic book characters fighting against each other by rolling dice.

by Keith Schleicher
Interviews   -   Sep 08, 2017 Crazy Eights: Adam Jacobson answers questions on Emergence: Dark Ops
Crazy Eights: Adam Jacobson answers questions on Emergence: Dark Ops

While the cyberpunk theme is popular in the world of science fiction, it’s not heavily used.  The merging of technology with humankind is becoming more reality, so you’d think that we’d see it more as a setting.  Emergence: Dark Ops is the sequel to Emergence, taking the

by Keith Schleicher
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