Two great empires, wrapped in their majesty and history, watch one another with wary eyes from across a neutral expanse known as...
Korvosa, a great city seated at the edge of the Varisian wilds, is in turmoil. A curse hangs over the rulers, dooming...
Faith: the Sci-fi RPG was one of last year’s best releases. Its fresh new take on religion in gaming, intricate political universe,...
A dark hand reaches out over the galaxy. It’s changing minds, gaining power, and manipulating entire star systems. True heroes could go...
The duality between creation and destruction defines the human experience. We thrive on sacrifice and consume to exist. But that’s all a...
The essence of a good abstract game is a simple set of rules that hide evolving depth to challenge players. U-Turn absolutely...
Louis Riel, the leader of a military rebellion against the Canadian government, has been captured and now stands trial. Two forces step...
There can be no heroes without villains. No light without dark. No Player’s Guide without a Bestiary. As a part of the...
Cool Mini Or Not and Cranio Creations have already been collaborating to bring foreign games to the English language, starting off with...
When Wizards of the Coast took a big chance with Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition, fans of the series were divisively intrigued...
By now we should all be familiar with the Attack on Titan series, following the last survivors of Earth as they battle...
As beasts swarm into the Kingdom of Valeria, the loyal Dukes and Duchesses know what they must do: manipulate the situation for...
The work of many nights has proven a link between the madman Renfield and the mysterious deaths that have been haunting the...
Since its launch in 2009, Kickstarter has spearheaded a revolution in tabletop game production. In the last seven years, Kickstarter raised funds...
Spring break has come for you and your middle school friends, and with it there will be games, relaxation, and a hoard...
Sir Francis Drake, legend of the age of sail, defender of the realm, and rumored lover of the Queen herself, is the...
Civilizations take generations to rise out of the dust, fighting through famine, disease, and warfare in order to help mankind ascend. Roll...
Continuing in a recent trend of expanding Pathfinder into new genres, Horror Adventures takes us to the untouched territory of fear. Sure,...
We just descended to the fourth level and I am beginning to doubt if we will make it out alive. Back a...
To my dearest Lord Dumas, I write to render a report on Ultimate Intrigue, the most recent in the line of supplements...
Starvation looms, birds stalk the skies, and you can only save the warren by braving the forest and returning home safe. Carrotia...
Pinnacle Entertainment Group has been very busy recently with its releases, and they are in no mood to stop their train now....
In the barbarian lands of Gaul, Emperor Caesar has called his armies to assemble. The Cohort casts you, the players, as generals...
Pathfinder has been expanding into uncharted territory recently, getting the greatest use possible out of its license (especially including the new Starfinder...
An airship legacy is ripe for the making, with only the other players in your way. Dastardly Dirigibles is a game of...
Religion has always had a troubled presentation in roleplaying games. Faith is one of the deepest mysteries of humanity and roleplaying is...
Language is a thing of beauty. As I write this I navigate a flow of multiplicitous intentions and representations to ultimately communicate...
John Wick continues to not only impress, but to astound. After the most successful RPG Kickstarter in history, pulling in over $1.3...
Successful smugglers can only move their wares past the authorities with careful planning, deep intuition, and a sense of daring. Prohis is...
Any of us playing Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition has had to spend a few minutes pouring through the player’s handbook for...
Mutant Chronicles spins a tail of darkness and brutality, and Modiphius has been working hard to fill out its dieselpunk universe in...