John Farrell
John Farrell is an affordable housing attorney living in West Chester Pennsylvania. He once travelled the weird west as Carrie A. Nation in Joker's Wild at:

Gates of Delirium tries to meld a lot of concepts into a concise package, and it mostly succeeds at combining area control, set collection, and the horrific aesthetics of Lovecraft’s Yog-Sothothery. Gates of Delirium, like the rest of the world, doesn’t understand that Lovecraft’s stories were made
by John Farrell
Friday the 13th has been quiet since its dubiously received 2009 remake, but a group of fans and professionals put that to right with two films that continue the legacy in all its violent, campy glory. Friday the 13th: Vengeance (2019) and its sequel Friday the 13th Vengeance 2: Bloodlines
by John Farrell
Well before Neil Gaiman’s nightmarish fantasy comic was adapted by Netflix, recent film school graduates set out to adapt the source material in all its beautiful and horrific glory. This was back in the days when Joseph Gorden Levvit’s failed film adaptation was an early rumor, when Nicholas
by John Farrell
Buried as it is between the mountains and the desert, Boise Idaho doesn’t have much of a film industry. What it does have, secreted among its streets in the often child-cluttered rooms of an unassuming house, is one very strange thing in common with the TARDIS: that, just sometimes,
by John Farrell
In the Joker’s long career, he has strayed far from his origins as a criminal mastermind. Oh, he commits a lot of crimes in modern interpretations, but from the anarchist with a cause to the deranged loner to the wisecracking psychopath, people have been less interested in seeing how
by John Farrell
Crow’s supernatural revenge thriller is a dark urban fairy tale replete with some of the finest and most effective artistry I’ve seen in years. If you give one fan film a chance to succeed, try Crow. This foray into James O’Barr’s world of gothic horror is
by John Farrell
photo credit: Justin Mane’s Crow, 2022 You might not believe me, but the modern groundbreaking filmmaking isn’t coming from major studios. The most heartfelt, intelligent, and thought-provoking work I’ve seen in the last few years was all made by unofficial channels by people who otherwise might never
by John Farrell
Roleplaying games often overlook the value of wildlife, presenting them as combat encounters first and integrated into a setting’s logic second. I spoke with Pearse Anderson about his project Critters & Companions, a setting neutral RPG supplement focused on bringing weird creatures to the forefront of adventures or setting
by John Farrell