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John Farrell

John Farrell is an affordable housing attorney living in West Chester Pennsylvania. He once travelled the weird west as Carrie A. Nation in Joker's Wild at:

Location Pennsylvania
Number of Articles 238
John Farrell's Work 238 Articles
Editorials   -   Nov 21, 2023 The Submerge Universe — a fifteen year search for science fiction greatness
The Submerge Universe — a fifteen year search for science fiction greatness

Demetrius Witherspoon’s Submerge Universe exemplifies the inverse proportionality of resources and heart that every artist must struggle with. The more personal and unique your work is, the harder it is to fund. The more money you take in, the more compromises you have to accept. For ten years, Submerge

by John Farrell
Editorials   -   Nov 16, 2023 Down the Road — an indie journey to the heart of the unknown
Down the Road — an indie journey to the heart of the unknown

Down the Road exemplifies the strengths that lead me off the beaten path and into the uncharted wilds of indie film. Not knowing what to expect from this supernatural mystery, I found its unassuming gravity pull me into an atmospheric, thoughtful story unlike anything I have found anywhere else. When

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Nov 05, 2023 Marvel Multiverse RPG review — not quite marvelous
Marvel Multiverse RPG review — not quite marvelous

The Marvel Multiverse Roleplaying Game enters the market at a complicated time. The public’s enthusiasm for the Marvel brand is waning, and the field of superhero RPGs has been crowded for some time. Even niche of officially licensed Marvel roleplaying games has a pedigree of success. Lead writer and

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Oct 06, 2023 The Making of Karateka review — a step forward for interactive documentaries
The Making of Karateka review — a step forward for interactive documentaries

The Making of Karateka is a beacon of light in otherwise dark times for games preservation. In this age of dead or dying media, this interactive documentary uses original footage and documents, source documents, in-progress game builds, and rebuilt videogames to tell a very human story of ingenuity and perseverance

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Sep 19, 2023 Pirate Borg review — swashbuckling in the Dark Caribbean
Pirate Borg review — swashbuckling in the Dark Caribbean

When I called Mork Borg a landmark in RPG production and distribution, I had no idea how far it was going to go. Content for the game has proliferated, seeing new implementations in Death in Space, Cy-Borg, and now Pirate Borg. I found Death in Space a worthy if imperfect

by John Farrell
Editorials   -   Sep 07, 2023 Morning is Broken — encompassing the weight of stories untold
Morning is Broken — encompassing the weight of stories untold

The D&D themed short film Morning is Broken has a power that long outlasts its 12 minute runtime. It comes from what the painting world refers to as “negative space,” the canvas around the painting, or in this case the many things left unsaid by Morning is Broken.

by John Farrell
Editorials   -   Aug 31, 2023 Eldritch USA — the midwestern musical horror America has been waiting for
Eldritch USA — the midwestern musical horror America has been waiting for

Eldritch USA is much more than the sum of its parts, but there’s a lot to be said about those individual parts. I’ve seen musicals, I’ve seen films influenced by Lovecraft’s Yog-Sothothery, and I’ve seen Midwestern family dramas, but it’s in the way that

by John Farrell
Interviews   -   Aug 28, 2023 Paizo discusses the future of their products and fan licenses — Gencon 2023
Paizo discusses the future of their products and fan licenses — Gencon 2023

Paizo has a lot to look forward to soon, and it isn’t all coming from Paizo. Let me explain. First of all, Paizo has some big things on the horizon. Starfinder’s second edition was just announced, using the same three action economy as Pathfinder’s second edition. This

by John Farrell
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