John Farrell
John Farrell is an affordable housing attorney living in West Chester Pennsylvania. He once travelled the weird west as Carrie A. Nation in Joker's Wild at:

New Experience Workshop is a small team, consisting of two sisters, but that doesn’t stop it from production or experimentation. Having successfully Kickstarted Showdown, a samurai themed competitive cardgame, and Shootout, a tense western, this Kansas-based company has proven that a tabletop company can accomplish a great deal if
by John Farrell
Academy Games’ focus has always been on using games to explore history, in all its visceral, uncomfortable truths. While many of its products have revolved around the lesser known or the non-controversial, such as the Viking invasion of England, its examination of the abolition movement through Freedom: the Underground Railroad
by John Farrell
With the fifth edition of Vampire: The Masquerade still on the horizon of 2018, White Wolf has a lot to offer fans who are excited about the future of the franchise. I talked to Shane DeFreest about the company’s direction, and as someone who has worked for all three
by John Farrell
Adventures in Middle-earth was an ambitious and risky prospect, but I was pleasantly surprised to see how well Cubicle 7 blended Tolkien’s style into the 5E mechanics. The only area where the player’s guide needed some support was in tools to help run the game, and for that
by John Farrell
Destiny Aurora is an ambitious product, but one I am excited to see in its final form. This board game adaptation of the ongoing book series will also launch alongside of a series of comics in the same universe. Destiny Aurora sets itself in the midst of a fierce interstellar
by John Farrell
Chris Pramas, the founder of Green Ronin, has a lot to look back on over the eighteen year life of its company. Where tabletop spent a few years almost in danger of disappearing, the revolution spurred by streaming and crowdfunding has given the company a way to take new chances
by John Farrell
Nothing helps set the mood in an RPG like the right accompanying music. If you have never added background music to one of your games, I highly encourage you to do so, and if you don’t know where to start, you can look to Syrinscape. Syrinscape’s software is
by John Farrell
Steve Jackson had a lot on offer at PAX Unplugged, not the least of which were expansions to its Munchkin game line. Shakespearian and Starfinder inspired adaptations are in the works, and even as a fan of puns I was struggling just to make it through the Shakespeare deck without
by John Farrell