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John Farrell

John Farrell is an affordable housing attorney living in West Chester Pennsylvania. He once travelled the weird west as Carrie A. Nation in Joker's Wild at:

Location Pennsylvania
Number of Articles 238
John Farrell's Work 238 Articles
Reviews   -   Jan 03, 2018 Everyone wins when there’s no house–Vegas Wits and Wagers Review
Everyone wins when there’s no house–Vegas Wits and Wagers Review

Wits and Wagers Party Edition has been an outstanding, family-friendly party experience for a long time, and the new Vegas edition only makes the game better. Adding in new wagering mechanics, ways to leverage your knowledge of your friends as much as different information, and (perhaps most importantly) new questions

by John Farrell
Interviews   -   Dec 23, 2017 Decemberists, Phoenixes, and Action Cats–Twogether Studios and how a two person team has one of the most diverse portfolios in gaming
Decemberists, Phoenixes, and Action Cats–Twogether Studios and how a two person team has one of the most diverse portfolios in gaming

Twogether Studios is something special in the gaming world. Keith Baker and Jenn Ellis manage to balance married life with game design, and that design covers a lot of ground. As the creator of Eberron, Gloom, and the recent Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Card Game, Keith has many separate

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Dec 17, 2017 Sound and fury and signifying–Blurble review
Sound and fury and signifying–Blurble review

Blurble is a game of words and shouting, and there is something attractive in that directness. There isn’t anything deep in this game, but depth isn’t its goal. The purpose of any true party game is to be approachable, lighthearted, and whimsical. Blurble achieves all three of those

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Dec 12, 2017 You’ve goat to play this game–Gruff: the tactical card game of mutated monster goats review
You’ve goat to play this game–Gruff: the tactical card game of mutated monster goats review

It’s rare to see a new combat card game make such responsible decisions as Gruff. While the two player combat card genre is a crowded field, Gruff’s design sets it apart because of how well it approaches every aspect of gameplay. From graphic design to deck building to

by John Farrell
Features   -   Dec 05, 2017 Nauvoo Games at Pax Unplugged–the Reckoners board game is on the horizon
Nauvoo Games at Pax Unplugged–the Reckoners board game is on the horizon

Nauvoo Games is a relatively new entry into the tabletop scene, but has already made something of a splash. Starting in 2014, it has two promising games under its belt and a big announcement: the coming of the Reckoners board game, soon to be Kickstarted in January of 2018. Based

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Nov 30, 2017 Flop flop flopping on heaven’s floor–Happy Salmon review
Flop flop flopping on heaven’s floor–Happy Salmon review

Happy Salmon is the kind of perfection that defies typical analysis. My reviews usually focus on the nuance of a game; how its mechanisms translate the emotional weight of its theme, draw people out to explore their psyches, or just help facilitate a good time. Happy Salmon does all of

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Nov 30, 2017 Cloak, dagger, and deception–Cursed Court Review
Cloak, dagger, and deception–Cursed Court Review

The political deduction genre may be starting to feel like a crowded field, but Cursed Court justifies attention with the flair and elegance of its design. Not everything comes together as intended, but the core conceit is a strong focal point of its design. In the game, you take on

by John Farrell
Features   -   Nov 27, 2017 Greater Than Games at Pax Unplugged — a look at the Sentinel Comics RPG and new products of all kinds
Greater Than Games at Pax Unplugged — a look at the Sentinel Comics RPG and new products of all kinds

Greater Than Games has experienced a time of tremendous growth in the past few months, and that shows no sign of stopping any time soon. While it was working on several projects over an extended period, some quirks in timing have resulted in an explosive and exciting launch period, across

by John Farrell
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