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John Farrell

John Farrell is an affordable housing attorney living in West Chester Pennsylvania. He once travelled the weird west as Carrie A. Nation in Joker's Wild at:

Location Pennsylvania
Number of Articles 238
John Farrell's Work 238 Articles
Interviews   -   Apr 21, 2018 Blood, music, and cardboard–we interview American Murder Song on the Donner Party Boardgame
Blood, music, and cardboard–we interview American Murder Song on the Donner Party Boardgame

Horror has historically been a sorely neglected genre. Luckily, a few people have made it their work to keep the genre not only alive but thriving and growing. Saar Hendelman and Terrance Zdunich have been working together for many years now to create unique and stirring works. Terrance was one

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Apr 19, 2018 Go north and die—Grimslingers: the Northern Territory review
Go north and die—Grimslingers: the Northern Territory review

Grimslingers was a stylish, fully loaded experience when it first came on the scene, mixing supernatural horror and western-style comedy with bluffing mechanics to form a stylish game of dueling wizards in a hazardous landscape. My recent review praised the breadth of its mechanics and narrative as well as the

by John Farrell
Impressions   -   Apr 07, 2018 Pathfinder’ Crownfall–Roll20 impressions
Pathfinder’ Crownfall–Roll20 impressions

Paizo’s first collaboration with Roll20 comes in the form of Crownfall, the first of six adventures for the War for the Crown adventure path. From my experiences so far, this adventure contains some minor but much needed quality-of-life improvements that signal some good things for Pathfinder fans. Clearly, they

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Apr 04, 2018 One step into the dark forest, two steps back–Of Dreams and Shadows review
One step into the dark forest, two steps back–Of Dreams and Shadows review

If Grimslingers represents all the best that can happen when Greenbriar Games publishes an independent game with high-quality art, this stands at the complete opposite of the spectrum. Of Dreams and Shadows, which I will abbreviate to ODS for the sake of convenience, starts out with a bang that slowly

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Mar 30, 2018 Shoot, dodge, mech, repeat—Tesla vs. Lovecraft review
Shoot, dodge, mech, repeat—Tesla vs. Lovecraft review

If you’ve ever wanted to plow through hundreds of deep ones on the back of a machine gun-toting mech only to hop out of it, teleport around, and fire off a death ray while radiating poison and generating a lightning storm, you now have your chance. It’s moments

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Mar 28, 2018 This will be great when it’s finished–Genesys Core Book review
This will be great when it’s finished–Genesys Core Book review

I’ve never seen such an amazing game wrapped up in such a lackluster package in all my life. The Genesys RPG system is one of the best designed breaths of fresh air the market has had in years, but this core book comes off as a cynical attempt to

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Mar 21, 2018 Dark destinies manifest–Grimslingers review
Dark destinies manifest–Grimslingers review

I think we’ve found a winner in the contest for best one on one/team based/cooperative cat vampire shootout games. Grimslingers doesn’t sound like it will work until you dig into it and find how well crafted every piece of this game is. The basic combat is

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Mar 14, 2018 Rats, chaos, and loot–Vermintide 2 review
Rats, chaos, and loot–Vermintide 2 review

When last the Skaven began their march on the Old Empire, Vermintide quickly proved to be an engaging and creative romp in the Warhammer fantasy universe. It faithfully recreated the setting’s mixture of historical analogue, grimdark horror, and zany comedy. It accomplished all of this while following in the

by John Farrell
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