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Jay Malone

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A Kay Purcell 317 Articles
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Reviews   -   Nov 23, 2015 More blood, more difficult — Bloodborne: The Old Hunters review

Difficulty is a tricky thing to tamper with in video games. It’s also one of the most notable reasons why Hidetaka Miyazaki’s Dark Souls series has become so popular. Miyazaki’s newest creation, Bloodborne, did a few things to differentiate itself from Dark Souls, and one of those

by Jay Malone
Reviews   -   Nov 02, 2015 Clear improvement, but still lacking — WWE 2K16 review
Clear improvement, but still lacking — WWE 2K16 review

After the first 2K-published WWE game, it was clear a serious change was needed. The franchise’s previous installments, WWE ’13 and WWE ’14, were both solid and featured modes built to extract sweet nostalgic enjoyment from wrestling fans. That was lost last year, but it seems to be one

by Jay Malone
Reviews   -   Oct 22, 2015 One step forward, one step backward — Assassin’s Creed Syndicate review
One step forward, one step backward — Assassin’s Creed Syndicate review

Assassin’s Creed was once the beacon at which many open-world games strived to surpass. These days, that beacon has dimmed after a mediocre Assassin’s Creed Unity release that spawned more videos of hilarious bugs than ones of people singing its praises. On top of that, titles like Middle-earth:

by Jay Malone
Previews   -   Oct 05, 2015 Hands-on with WWE 2K16’s MyCareer mode

WWE 2K15 had a lot of issues. The game did not die based on one failure, but a host of failures coming together to make one disappointing installment in a consistently mediocre franchise. Out of the past ten years of Yukes-developed professional wrestling games, only WWE ’13 and ’14 were

by Jay Malone
Reviews   -   Sep 28, 2015 Spike Lee leaves his mark — NBA 2K16 review
Spike Lee leaves his mark — NBA 2K16 review

Telling a story is something video games have attempted to do since their inception. For years, people have worked tirelessly on providing a narrative through-line within their projects. However, one genre that has avoided this is sports. It has never seemed possible to integrate a story into a game so

by Jay Malone
Reviews   -   Sep 22, 2015 FIFA continues to excel — FIFA 16 review
FIFA continues to excel — FIFA 16 review

Whereas many video game sports franchises have had their ups and downs in recent memory, FIFA has been nothing but consistent. After years of being in Pro Evolution Soccer’s shadow, FIFA has emerged as the clear go-to for fans of soccer. Despite its great action on the pitch, the

by Jay Malone
Reviews   -   Sep 14, 2015 A well-written apology — NHL 16
A well-written apology — NHL 16

A few years ago, EA’s NHL series was considered one of the best sports franchises around. It would consistently make key iterations on important features, all while maintaining the style that brought fans out every release day to purchase the game. That all changed last year with the series’

by Jay Malone
Reviews   -   Sep 08, 2015 This wasteland needs some renovations — Mad Max review
This wasteland needs some renovations — Mad Max review

Open-world video games have been very prevalent in the past few years. They are a great way to bring life to a bustling world to quickly entrench the player. One of the newest games to hop onto the open-world train is Mad Max, developed by Avalanche Studios, who you may

by Jay Malone
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