Gerard Uht

During this year’s E3, I had the chance to play a re-imagined classic, Descent. I remember gaming in the 90s. Blocky textures, bright colors, and dialogue that wasn’t exactly something you’d call “natural”. Controls were also in their early stages. Jumping, firing, strafing, and maybe crouching were
by Gerard Uht
This year at EA Play – I was invited to take a look at the all-new Command & Conquer: Rivals for mobile! I tend to fall in and out of love pretty easily with freemium RTS titles. What starts out as a vibrant love affair brimming with potential tends to end
by Gerard Uht
I received my very own Playstation for my 10th birthday. My dad spent all night setting it up, making sure everything was just right… and beating most of Gran Turismo 2. Luckily, it was all to my benefit. I woke up to a laundry list of some of the world’
by Gerard Uht
This year at E3 I had the chance to play a title that’s been on my radar since its announcement way back in 2014 – We Happy Few. Hurriedly walking down the grey-green hallway above the E3 show floor – it was easy to miss the modest signage used to mark
by Gerard Uht
This year at E3, I took a peek at the newest addition to the Warhammer 40K family, Mechanicus. Being an avid Star Trek fan, I’ve grown up with a generic distrust of mechanical-human hybrids. However, it was only minutes into my demo that I was rooting for my battalion
by Gerard Uht
BOOM! We’ve got a hack-and-slash Warhammer! That’s right, after years of defining RTS – Warhammer has been adapted by the team at BigBen and Eko Software to the button mashing, teeth grinding, “where’s my character?”-yelling hack and slash genre. And boy is it fun. Details are slim
by Gerard Uht
This year at E3, I had was invited to play the retro-futuristic high-speed racer, Desert Child. A peek into a bleak future – Desert Child builds its story on a world plagued by overpopulation, starvation, and poverty. Humanity is looking to Mars for survival, your goal: make sure you’re along
by Gerard Uht
I tend to be dramatic with my article titles. Ranging from accurate to complete non sequitur – they’re usually my poor attempt at humor after writing for 16 hours. This article title, however, is a genuine statement of disbelief. I’ve loved gaming for as long as I can remember.
by Gerard Uht