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Devo Deaves

Number of Articles 24
Devo Deaves's Work 24 Articles
Reviews   -   Mar 27, 2020 Thrustmaster T.16000m FCS HOTAS Review
Thrustmaster T.16000m FCS HOTAS Review

Controllers might not be the very first thing that comes to mind when loading up a new game. Much of the time, a regular keyboard and mouse or whatever default control pad comes with a console will do just fine and you think nothing more of it. But many will

by Devo Deaves
Reviews   -   Jan 23, 2020 For Russ and the Allfather !!! Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf Review

In the future there is only war, but until then, we have consoles and video games to keep us busy. And now Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf from HeroCraft brings the Sons of Russ to join the battle on Nintendo Switch. Originally seen on iOS, Android platforms then later brought

by Devo Deaves
Reviews   -   Jan 14, 2020 Get away from her, you Switch! Alien: Isolation review

We’re a bit late to the Alien: Isolation party on Nintendo Switch and that’s my fault, it took me a while to cautiously creep through the numerous corridors and air ducts present within. Anyways, title notwithstanding I’m sure it’s possible to get through this whole review

by Devo Deaves
Reviews   -   Jan 14, 2020 Dash for cash – Asphalt 9: Legends review

Maybe I should have known what to expect from Asphalt 9: Legends, with its long history in mobile gaming; mobile devices are where the series got its start if we consider the Nokia N-Gage release of Asphalt Urban GT in 2004 alongside the Nintendo DS release. But then it’s

by Devo Deaves
Reviews   -   Jan 03, 2020 Steampunk city building on the Switch — Lethis: Path of Progress review

I’ve had a bit of a tough time while playing Lethis: Path of Progress, on the one hand I am kind of into it but on the other I find it utterly infuriating. Recently released for Nintendo Switch by Triskell Interactive, I was keen to try it out as

by Devo Deaves
Reviews   -   Dec 23, 2019 A retro arena shooter for Nintendo Switch – Demon Pit Review

“I’ll just try one more run” is what I told myself about 15 attempts ago. “Just a quick blast of Demon Pit”, I said. But there I was, going back again and again for just one more crack at it. I wasn’t going back to uncover the next

by Devo Deaves
Reviews   -   Dec 07, 2019 Crying Suns – Tears of joy or crying shame?

Described by developer Alt Shift as a “tactical rogue-lite”; Crying Suns tests your nerve as much as it demands the careful planning and consideration of each move you make. Comparisons to FTL: Faster Than Light (From Subset Games, 2012) have been drawn, which certainly fair and understandable; but does Crying

by Devo Deaves
Reviews   -   Dec 06, 2019 Cast your eyes on this – Tobii Eye Tracker 4C

Camera control in video games, having long been largely mastered, probably isn’t the first hurdle many gamers have to overcome when loading up their favourite title. That honor might be awarded to optimising performance, overcoming bugs, picking out mods or a great many other factors. Talk to enough Simulation

by Devo Deaves
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